2012 30 Hour Famine
We are so excited to be doing our Famine this year! During the 30 Hour Famine, our youth group will actually NOT EAT for 30 hours. YES! You read that right. Teenagers? not eating... for 30 hours. Why? Because nearly 8,000 children under age 5 die every day because of hunger-related causes, that's one child every 10 seconds. And we are NOT okay with that, we will NOT stand by while children die from lack of food.
In the time leading up to and during our 30 hours of fasting, the students are going to get a crash course in global hunger and come face to face with the realities of poverty and injustice. We will make a global impact by learning about world hunger and raising money for hungry children around the world through World Vision; a local impact through service projects and raising awareness during our 30 hours; and making an individual impact on us when we will all get a small taste of what it is like for starving kids around the world.
We will officially begin fundraising for the event on Jan. 25th. All the money raised will go to feed our starving neighbors in Africa. (Rewards will be given based on donations raised).
We will also be starting a food drive on Jan. 25th and all of the food will be donated to the Southside Life Station in Toledo, OH to benefit those in need in our local community.
In our culture today we are pushed toward a me centered mentality. What we need to be happy is to consume, consume, consume. We as Christian's know that this is not the way, yet we often get sucked into acting this way. 30 Hour Famine is a way that we can separate ourselves (for a time) from both food and technology (that's right cell phones must be checked in at the door).
It is a time when we can draw closer to God, be good Samaritan's and stewards of His riches and love.
We have set a group goal, each $30 we raise will help feed and care for a child for a month. Check out our thermometer to see our goal. Will you help us reach our goal this year? Donate today.
Thanks for sponsoring us to go without-so others can eat.And so our Famine begins.
Want to know where the money raised through the Famine goes?Visit www.30hourfamine.org/about to learn more about 30 Hour Famine and World Vision?s hunger programs.