Thursday, April 14, 2011

But I was just joking – Proverbs 26:18-19

Like a madman who throws firebrands, arrows, and death, is the man who deceives his neighbor, And says, "I was only joking!" Prov. 26:18-19 (NKJV)

If you can drive a car then you have probably been told the age old accident advice, “Never admit guilt”. We tend to carry this adage over to our everyday lives.  We will do and say awful things to or about others and hide behind phrases like, “I was just joking”, or “bless their heart”.  We tend to think that this makes everything alright; after all we didn’t really mean to hurt anyone.  We want to go along and do and say whatever we feel like, without any personal repercussions.

The truth is our words and actions carry powerful, sometimes deadly consequences. We may walk away and never give it another thought, while we have done some serious damage to someone else.  We seldom stop to think that our little joke that made everyone laugh may be inflicting serious pain on the receiver.  Life is tough and you never know when what you do will affect someone forever. When you called her fat, you may not know she throws up everyday because of her self image. When you told him he was stupid you didn’t realize that he thinks he is worthless and unlovable. You never thought that practical joke you pulled on the kid everyone laughs at and makes fun of would be what pushed him over that last edge. Satan isn’t the only one who can throw fiery darts.   

As Christians we need to be especially mindful of our words and actions. Men and women, boys and girls are teetering on the very thin line of life and death. We never know when our harsh words and actions may push them away from the God who loves them so dearly. As Christians we are representatives of Jesus Christ; when we are harsh and cruel people will view Him the same.  With the eternal state of lost souls hanging in the balance, the weight of the world  pressing down on them, and Satan whispering lies into their ears, it is crucial that we stand in the gap and shine as true examples of Christ’s love. They are far too valuable to God for us to be uncaring with our words and actions; after all Hell is no joke.

What will you do with your words and actions?  Will you lead others closer to Jesus Christ who gave His life to save theirs?  Or will you push them away with your “jokes”?