Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12
There were a few times in football where we faced running backs that were just beasts. No matter how fast or hard you came at these guys they refused to go down. They were good at getting the ball to the end zone and they didn’t care to take you with them. If you wanted to stop them from scoring it had to be a group effort.
In life Satan is a beast of a player; he will go for our weakness and try and run us down so that he can triumph. If we are to overcome his plots of our destruction we must hold close to Jesus. However, Satan will try and tear us apart from God’s plans. Sometimes He will come so hard and strong that we get confused and emotional; we get spiritually disoriented. When we try and stand alone it is easy for him to overpower us and make us feel defeated, useless and not good enough. It is then that it becomes vitally important for us to have a support system of mature Christians.
No matter how long you have been in the fight, no matter how strong you are, it is foolish to try and stand alone. Solid Christian friends and mentors are a must if you are to stand against spiritual attacks. We need to share with our spiritual support system what we are going through, our thoughts, our sins, emotions, etc. They will help by sharing spiritual insight, their own experiences, prayer, encouragement and by directing us back to God and His truths.
Alone we can easily be overpowered by Satan, but with Christ we can withstand him. A close Christian friend/mentor will help us by both reminding us to stay close to Christ and redirecting us to Him.