Monday, April 11, 2011

My cup runs over – Psalm 23:5c

My cup runneth over. Psalm 23:5c

Across the land a great drought has devastated the land. The only grass that is left is dead and brown.  There is no water and no food anywhere to be seen. Yet day after day the Shepherd comes out with an abundance of water, hay and grains.  He places so much food before the sheep that when they have finished eating, He gathers again the excess.  There is so much water in the trough that when they go to drink, water spills over onto the ground.  They are blessed beyond measure; they not only do not lack for anything, they have more than they need.

God knows how to give good gifts to His children.  He loves us so much and He blesses us, and fulfills our needs.  Then He goes even further and gives us far more than we can even fathom to ask Him for. My wife sings a song, “Count Your Blessings”; the song directs you to count your blessings and name them one by one, so they you may see what the Lord has done.  Many times in life we look around and see the devastation around us and we forget to count our blessings.  If we would take time to think about what God has done fore us in our lives, we would find out that truly our cup too is overflowing!