Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Valley of the Shadow of Death - Psalm 23:4a

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; Psalm 23:4a

The sheep have now come over many obstacles with the Shepherd.  He has brought them safely through rough terrains and peaceful lands.  Now up ahead is something new, a deep dark valley known for only one thing: death.  Sheep that wonder foolishly into this valley never return.  The Shepherd doesn’t flinch but continues to lead His sheep right into the valley of the shadow of death.

Ordinarily a sheep surrounded by such threats of death would be trembling with fear; not these sheep they bravely walk through the valley without alarm.  The howls of the ravenous wolves are all around, the light is nearly non-existent, yet they travel on without worry or care.  The sheep fully trust in their Shepherd. He is their comfort and their protection.  They know Him well; He loves His sheep and would never leave or forsake them.  He is with them always.

At times in life we face deep dark valleys. We may find our self in danger of even losing our life.  Yet no matter the danger the Good Shepherd is always with us. He will never forsake or abandon His sheep.  He will see us through valley after valley of the shadow death.  We will arise safe and sound as we continue to follow the Shepherd.

Then one day we will face our final valley: death.  The very word strikes fear into the hearts of many. It is a valley that must be faced by all, but it does not have to be faced alone.  Those who follow the Shepherd can be comforted to know that the Shepherd will see us through our valley of Death and bring us through unto life everlasting.

O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? 1 Corinthians 15:55