I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. Psalm 139:14 (NKJV)
Seems like more and more these days I hear people putting themselves down. “I can’t”, “I’m not good enough”, “I shouldn’t have even tried”, are phrases that have worked their way into our everyday vocabulary. We start to believe that if we were only smarter, prettier, skinnier, more talented, etc, that we would be happy. Our glass is always half, no two-thirds empty. We can’t see any hope of anything ever being any different; after all we are just useless and good for nothing: failures.
We look in the mirror and we notice all of our imperfections and we start to think about how much we have messed up. We listen to the voices all around us that tell us we need to be perfect, that we just aren’t trying hard enough, and that we will never win. We try so hard to change who we are that we forget that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” and we are special.
No one else, ever has been exactly like the unique and wonderful design called, you! God very purposefully designed you to be who you are, so you need to embrace you.
So what you aren’t a naturally gifted at some things, you are at others. Maybe you will never be a great _______ (fill in the blank), maybe God has other plans. Find your niche, seek your purpose in God’s plan for your life; I assure you it is great!
So STOP, that’s right S-T-O-P, right now belittling yourself, beating yourself up for what you are not, what you have or haven’t done, or for what you never will be. God has made you for greatness, not your greatness, His greatness, and He loves you. You are unique, special, and important in the eyes of the creator God. Sure you fail, and fail, and fail, but if you are Christ’s you will never be a failure. Satan will try to tear you down, and others will help him; don’t start believing their lies.
I’ll leave you with two quotes from two very intelligent women that help me through my day-to-day struggles of self-confidence and self-esteem. Take these quotes to heart and they will help you as well!
“Never put yourself down; the whole world will do that for you.” My Mom
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” Eleanor Roosevelt