Thursday, April 21, 2011

There is a way – Nehemiah 4:17

Those who built on the wall, and those who carried burdens, loaded themselves so that with one hand they worked at construction, and with the other held a weapon. Nehemiah 4:17 (NKJV)

I’ve often thought myself that helping others would be so easy if I didn’t have to worry about money, time and people getting angry.  Unfortunately all of those things, as well as many other obstacles, are a part of everyday life.  They are factors that throw wrenches in the works and make every step difficult, add that to Satan’s temptations and his manipulation of the factors, as well as our sin problem and you’ve got a big mess.  Paul summed it all up with, “When I want to do good, evil is right there with me.” (Romans 7:21). 

When God brings us to a task, when He puts something upon our hearts we can be assured we will have victory if we follow Him. Having said that we are seldom led to the victory without adversity; this is where we get in trouble.  We are willing to believe God and follow God, as long as He does all the work.  We are fine with living daily our comfy cozy Christianity.  We have forgotten that it was Jesus who promised us that by following Him we would face many obstacles and fight many battles and be victorious through His might and power.

We in ourselves are not overcomers, we are instead giveupers. However, God has called us through the power of His might and His sacrifice to stand, fight, give it all we’ve got and be victorious.  If there is a task that God has commanded us or laid upon our heart to do, then we should trust His power and trust that He has equipped us to be successful.  We should pick up our tools and start building the wall, and if we must with our other hand pick up the sword and fight with everything in us to accomplish the task. 

If it is important to God then it should be important to us.  I promise you that when you seek to do God’s will and when you are walking close to Him, you will face many battles; the roads will get hard and bumpy and the days will be long, the sun will be hot, and at times the obstacles will seem impassible and hopeless. There at the impossible, when we have fought with all we have, when every last ounce of us has been exhausted, and we have nothing left, God will show His power and greatness.  Mountains will be moved, not because we moved them, but because we were obedient. The fight may be long and brutal but when we put our faith in God and start standing on His promises, all Hell cannot prevail against us.