Anyone that has known me for long can confirm that I am a serious procrastinator. It is a part of me that God has been working on for some time, and has made lots of progress on since my lazed college days. However, there are still bounds of room for improvement. Planning ahead has never really been my forte’, especially since well, Jesus may come back before it needs to be done anyway. Don’t get mad at me I know that is a wrong way of thinking (Paul dealt with it back it 2 Thessalonians chapter 3). Most recently me and my wife have been diligent to do the dishes right after the meal instead of letting them pile up (like we formerly did). Here are a few things I have learned.
1. Dishes are easier to wash when you just get finished dirtying them. Once the gunk has set on and hardened it is a lot more difficult to get off and it takes a lot more work and frustration.
2. You don’t have an overload of dishes to do when you “get around” to doing them.
3. You never have to worry about people popping in on you and seeing your dirty dishes all piled up and gross.
4. There is no weird smell coming from the kitchen that you have to go looking for to correct.
5. You always have clean dishes to use.
6. You can put your focus on more important things, rather than dwelling on how long it will take you to do the dishes and how much you don’t want to.
Ok I admit it; my reason for writing this blog is not really about washing your dishes. It is about keeping your life clean! It is about taking care of those bad choices/sins before they grow to bad habits. It is about clearing out the old bad habits and not letting them creep back in. How can I do that? I know you are thinking what I have thought so often, “I have tried so many times and failed, so there is no use trying!”. Now that is some destructive thinking and you need to get rid of it! First off if you have a relationship with Jesus Christ you can do all things through His strength (Philippians 4:13)! If you don’t have a relationship with Jesus then we have identified your biggest problem and we should remedy that first.
Second, God does not want you bound by your sins and bad habits. He wants you to be FREE from them! Seek His help and strength, believe you can break these bonds, seek out friends who will be helpful and not judgmental, and start today!
Oh and don’t forget that if you slip and fall, you are only a failure if you don’t get back up! So, go wash some dishes!
– Philippians 2:12-16, 1 John 1:9, Hebrews 12:1-