Monday, May 16, 2011

Give them more - Acts 3:6

But Peter said, "I don't have any money for you. But I'll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk!"  Acts 3:6 (NLT)

Many times in my life I have come across people begging for hand outs, and I am sure you have seen your share of cardboard pleas for money or food. I usually drive right on by due to the many con artist and lazy people out there. However, occasionally my heart is pricked and I will go through the McDonalds drive through and buy a value meal in hopes that it may actually make a difference in the life of someone who is genuinely going through a hard time. How many times have I earnestly ask God if I can help this person? How many times have I gone the extra mile to see if I can really help them to find a job, or a warm bed…or a Savior?

In Acts 3 a man who truly had a physical need was brought daily to the temple to beg for money at the temple’s gate which was called “Beautiful”. People going into the temple to pray had to pass by him and his constant pleas. How many religious people walked by him every day? Surely some of them were disgusted by him, while others felt sorry for him and gave him a little money or food. How many ever sat down to get to know the man? How many prayed for him in the temple? How many ever tried to help him? Few if any I am sure. Why? There was no hope, he had always been crippled. He would always be crippled! Until one day Peter and John passed by the man, he begged for a little money but got more than he ever expected to receive; instead of money he received a new life.

Countless are the people we pass by everyday who are begging to be filled. Sure they are crying for money or status, but what they truly want is fulfillment and peace; something that is impossible for them to obtain without a relationship with Jesus Christ. As Christians we need to stop simply taking the easy road and tossing them some spiritual pocket change. It is time that we give them more than they are asking us for, time to go the extra mile. We must give them more than a temporary fix; we must give them an eternal solution! “…such as I have, I give to you…” (Acts 3:6)

Who do you come in contact with everyday that needs more than your kind words or your pity? Does someone spring to mind that is in true need of more than you have been giving? Make today the day that you start reaching the lost for Jesus Christ. Jesus has given us much more than we could have ever imagined or asked for, we must share this gift! (Matt. 10:8)