Brethren, pray for us. 1 Thessalonians 5:25
Should we pray for others? Yes! Does praying change things? It most certainly does. Paul understood the importance and the power of the prayers of the righteous. Many times in the scripture Paul urges his Christian brothers and sisters to pray for him or others. Paul assured believers in his letters that he was interceding in prayer for them as well.
Intercessory prayer is so important that even Jesus Christ modeled it in John 17, as He prayed for the apostles, the disciples, and everyone that would ever believe! If lifting up others directly in prayer to God was important to Jesus (who is God) then it should be important to us as well. As we journey through this life we will face many ups and downs along the way. We were not made to face these hardships alone; we are relational beings and it is necessary that we stand together, worship together, rejoice together, hurt together, and lift up one another in prayer to our glorious Father.
Who are you praying for today? Has God placed someone on your heart? Have you told someone you would be praying for them? Be direct and diligent to make intercessory prayer a regular part of your conversations with God. If you will commit to this practice you will see a change in peoples lives.