What this means is that those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun! 2 Corinthians 5:17
From the time I was two I was a sick child. The doctors had my mom and dad convinced that if they let me lead a normal life (i.e. playing outside) that I would die. My tonsils were oversized and I was underweight, among other health issues. I was an over-diagnosed child on the way to becoming a bubble-boy! By the time I was seven my tonsils were so big that if I laid down flat it would cut off my windpipe. Soon these ailments and treatments caused my spleen to follow suit. I ended up in the hospital with a quack doctor who wanted to remove my spleen and ignore everything else!
Then something dramatic and life changing happened. A new doctor in town doing his rounds in the hospital came into my room. He looked at my chart and asked permission to examine me. My parents agreed and he quickly came to the conclusion that should have been evident to my other doctor all along; these tonsils need to come out! Push came to shove and he convinced my parents to trust him to remove my tonsils. My life was different from that point on; I began to live the normal life of a child.
When you accept Jesus into your life a radical change, even more than a tonsillectomy, occurs. You become a new creation, never again to be the same (2Cor. 5:17 ). You are the only person who can truly tell your story. Were you a Christian killing Jew like Paul? Probably not, but that does not mean God has not done great things in your life. Your testimony may not seem flashy enough for you, but it is not about you! It is about what Christ has done in your life. It is about His Grace, His Mercy, His Forgiveness, and His Righteousness. That makes for one powerful testimony no matter how you look at it! (Eph 3:20-21)
So go and share with the world what Christ has done for you! Sounds pretty simple does it not? That is because it is simple! You do not have to have a great degree or even be older than ten. You just have to have Jesus in your heart, and voila…Instant testimony.