Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:34 (NKJV)
I had a high school teacher of mine say something in class that has stuck with me ever since. She began talking about how everyone was always looking forward to something; trying to get to that next big event. When prom gets here, when I graduate, when I’m in college, when I get a job, when I get married, etc then I’ll be happy. They follow so much after being happy that when they get to that big event it lets them down and they start seeking the next big event. She then said, “If you can’t sit down and just enjoy a simple cup of coffee, you will never be happy.” I took that to heart; maybe it is why I love coffee so much. It taught me to take the time on a regular basis to just enjoy the gifts God has given us and “chill out”.
When we are always looking to the future, waiting on that next event or worrying about how things are going to work out it becomes a great burden. We get so caught up in catching happiness that we fail to realize it is all around us. Now I’m not saying that we shouldn’t plan for the future, in fact God wants us to seek His will and make plans. We need to be ready for tomorrow, we just don’t need to be worried or overwhelmed by it. We need to get up in the morning and converse with God; we need to be ready to change any plans we have to be aligned with the plans that He reveals to us. We need to trust Him to take care and provide for all our needs; He will do just that.
So seek to bite off no more than today. Focus on the things you can accomplish today and put tomorrows cares and worries on the back burner. Seek opportunities to touch lives for Christ today, and enjoy the chance for happiness today.
Happiness is…
A smiling child
A fresh spring day
A hot cup of coffee
A small victory
A new rain
A goofy laugh
A loving kiss
A __________
Fill in the blank. God desires to give you peace all the time; happiness may come and go, but you will find it a lot more often if you take the time to realize it is found most often in the simple things.