Monday, January 31, 2011

What I learned from the flu- Mark 16:15, Acts 10:34-35

I look around and everyone about me is coughing, with runny noses, fevers and the works; it is just that time of year.  It seems like no one is immune; young, old, male, female, rich, poor, black and white alike are all affected. The flu does not care who it infects, it shows no prejudice as it jumps from person to person.   The flu does not wait on an invitation; it takes the initiative to accomplish the goal at hand: spread and multiply.

What if we decided to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in such a way? What if we paid no attention to race or creed? What if status, appearance, and even hygiene did not matter?  What if we went about with the gospel as if it was the most important thing we have to share, and with the idea that God wants everyone to hear it?  Wait a second.  I think I remember reading somewhere in Bible that it is and He does.  Yes, now I remember: And then he told them, Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere. Mark 16:15 (NLT).

I am no rocket surgeon, but I am fairly certain that when Jesus said “everyone, everywhere”, that is exactly what He meant.  He did not single out one group, and He did not leave anyone out.  You would almost think that God loves everyone, and desires that everybody would come to Him and receive eternal life; you would be right in making that assumption (2Peter 3:9).  Unfortunately many people will choose not to accept God’s great gift; but He still extends it to all (Rev. 2:21; Rev. 22:17).   

Are you failing to share the gospel with someone because they are different? Maybe you think they will never receive Jesus, or maybe you think they are not good enough.  There are dozens of scenarios and hypothetical situations I could come up with, but the answer to the question “Who should we share Jesus with?” will always be the same: everyone, everywhere. 

What are you waiting for? He already said, “Go”!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Of Security and Liberty- Romans Road Part 5- Romans 8:38-39

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can't, and life can't. The angels can't, and the demons can't. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can't keep God's love away.39Whether we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39 (NLT)

I remember hearing a story of a young boy who was playing by a lake.  A crocodile lunged and grabbed the boy; his mother quickly took hold of the boy by the arms and hung on for dear life.  She dug her nails into the boy’s arms; refusing to let him go.  The crocodile tired of the struggle and went off for an easier meal.  The boy was showing off his scars one day; he pointed to the scars on his legs. “This is where the crocodile grabbed me; he was going to kill me.”  Then he pointed to the scars on his arms, “but this is where my mommy wouldn’t let go.”

When we accept Christ into our life we are adopted into the family of God; we become His children (Rom. 8:15).  Although here on earth we still face danger and persecution, even to the point of physical death; our souls are secure in Him.  There is no fear of our salvation in Christ Jesus being stripped from us; God is not in the business of allowing His children to be taken or separated from Him.

Still Satan will try to convince us that we have done too much, we have gone too far; we cannot still be saved.  He will whisper doubts in our ears and attempt to sabotage our peace and our witness.  He will beat us and bruise us on every side (2Cor. 4:8-9); He may even take away things that we hold dear (Job) but He cannot take away our salvation. 
We will go through valleys where we do not feel God; we may not feel saved.  However, we can be assured that nothing can take away our salvation; not death, life, angels, demons, friends, enemies, fears, worries, far away places, mistakes, sins: nothing!

When we are saved, God is our father and He is not about to let us just be snatched away (John 10:28).   Once we are God’s children we do not need to be concerned with our own salvation, we are secure; instead we need to focus on helping others come to Jesus.  It is important that we do not take this liberty lightly; but we diligently put our changed life into action; the salvation of other men’s souls depend on it (Phil. 2:12-15). We may be disobedient and suffer punishment here on earth (just like we punish our children when they disobey), but we will not forfeit or be stripped of our salvation (like a good parent never disowns their children) (Psalms 118:18, 1Cor. 3:15).

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Receiving the Gift- Romans Road Part 4 – Romans 10:9-10

For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved. Romans 10:9-10 (NLT)

I overcomplicate things; my wife tells me that I take a simple matter and find a way to make it difficult.  I guess it is just in my nature.  I have thought long and hard on how to present this section of scripture; it is such and important part of God’s plan.  I have worried so much about getting it right that I have forgotten the basic principle that my dad taught me: God has made it simple.  So simple in fact that even a child can comprehend it. 

When we have taken the Romans Road we understand that we are lost sinners and that we deserve and are destined for Hell; we grasp that we cannot fix our problem and that we need a savior; we understand that God loves us and gave His life to save ours and that He lives again (defeating death and Hell) so that we can live eternally.  God is standing before us and offering us the greatest gift; we have to choose whether or not to accept it.  So how do we receive this gift?  It is with our heart, we have the head knowledge of God, but we must decide if we will take it to heart and let it become real in our life.  We must believe in our head? No, we must believe in our heart that Jesus loved us so much He died to pay for our sins; and that He arose to conquer death and hell.  Then we must confess Jesus’ Lordship (His power over death, His being God).  Why do we need to confess?  Our words are the outward expression of the heart; if we truly believe with our heart, our words will follow suite (Luke 6:45).

Accepting the gift of salvation is a heart thing; it is not gained with fancy prayers or great speeches.  It is about you opening your heart to the truth in Jesus Christ and allowing God to forgive you for your sins.  He will not force down your hearts door; He will simply knock.  Will you let Him in and accept this great gift of eternal life?  It will change your life forever!  Do not concern yourself with men who try to complicate the gospel of Jesus; it is simple.  Follow the Romans Road to Jesus; allow Him to forgive you of your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness (1John 1:9).  Fear not, you cannot mess it up; when you seek God with all your heart, He will meet you there (Jeremiah 29:13)!  

I will never forget the day that I called to my dad from my bedroom and told him I wanted to be saved.  He went through Romans Road with me; I bowed my head and prayed, “Lord forgive me for my sins.” I invited Him into my heart: He came. He will do the same for you!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Why Such a Gift? – Romans Road Part 3- Rom. 5:8

God offers us the great gift of eternal life; He paid for the gift by dying on the cross and taking our sins.  Why?  Why would God purchase for us such a gift?  Do we deserve it? No, if we deserved it, it would be a reward not a gift; and we certainly do not deserve it.  So why would God offer us eternal life with Him?  Why would He go through such drastic measures?

Love! God loves us, every one of us.  Yet we find it so hard to believe that such a great God, who knows all of our dark and hidden secrets could love us; but He does.  Why does He love us? He has every reason not too; we have broken His law, disobeyed, and even turned against Him.  We deserve eternal damnation in Hell; He could have justly just decided not to pay for our sins and let us go there, but He did not.

God took on human form and dwelt among us; not as a noble king, but as a servant. He did not stop at saying “I love you”, He proved it! Jesus died for us so that we would not have to suffer the torment of our deserved punishment: Hell and eternal separation from Him.  Even though we spiritually reeked (I think of a drunk who smells of body odor, urine and other vile things), He took our sins with our entire filthy stench on the cross. He proved His love for us, and offers us salvation.  He desires that we all come to Him and be forever redeemed (2Peter 3:9).

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Paychecks and Gifts- Romans Road Part 2- Rom. 6:23

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23

Most of us have had a job at one point or another and regardless of how much we enjoyed it (or did not) we were ultimately there for one main reason: to receive a paycheck.  So we should all be able to wrap our mind around what a “wage” is; it is something that we have earned.  We talked yesterday about how everyone has sinned; we further learn today that the wage for that sin is death (both the physical death of this body and the eternal continuous death of the soul in Hell). We find ourselves realizing an extremely bad and depressing truth: We have all sinned and by our sin we have earned death and Hell.

If the verse ended there, life would be truly sad; we would be left without hope.  It does not feel good to find out we are sinners, it is truly grave to find out because we are sinners we deserve and are heading for eternal torment.  However, there is a humongous, mountain moving word in the middle of the verse and it changes everything: But.  I start to tear up every time I think of this particular “but”, because it bridges the way from death unto eternal life. Jesus took our sin on the cross so that we would not have to receive the wage that we deserve. He offers us the gift of eternal life in Heaven.

So what is a gift? A gift is something that is paid for by someone else; that is offered to you with no charge or hidden agendas; all you have to do is accept it. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Missing the Mark- Romans Road Part 1 – Rom. 3:23

For all have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious standard. Romans 3:23 (NLT)

We can deduct two things from this passage very easily: Everyone has committed sin and in sinning we have not lived up to God’s standard. This brings us to ask two questions: What is sin? And what is God’s standard? 

So what exactly is sin anyway? We can find the most basic definition of sin when we look at the origin of the word. The term “hamartia (ham-ar-tee'-ah) is the Greek word that we translate sin; it simply put means to miss or fall short of the mark. It was once used to describe an archer who shot an arrow and missed the target; he sinned.  Therefore, when we miss the mark of God’s standard it is sin.

But what is God’s standard?  God’s standard is holiness: perfection.  To make it a little simpler for us to understand He gave us the “Ten Commandments” (Exodus 20).  I think we can all name at least a few of the commandments which are a guideline of God’s standard (i.e. do not kill, do not steal).  When we break these commandments we are falling short of God’s glorious standard.

Now you may start to think that you have not killed anyone or ever committed adultery with someone’s wife; but Jesus taught that holding hatred in your heart was just like murder and looking on a woman with lust is the same as adultery (Matt. 5:21-22;27-28). But let us take it down a notch, have you told a lie? Even our idea of “a little white lie” is sin and breaks commandment number nine; thou shalt not lie. You may think that this is less evil than the others and so you are not as accountable, but you would be wrong; James says that whoever keeps all of God’s commandments except for one, is guilty of them all (James 2:10). 

Take a single pained glass window for example; now imagine that the “Ten Commandments” are painted on that window.  If you throw a baseball through the window and knock out just part of the commandments, can you say you just broke part of the window? No, the window is one piece and the whole thing will have to be replaced; you have broken the whole window.  God’s standard is the same; if you mess up at all (and I assure you that you have) you are responsible for breaking the whole thing.

So sin is our missing the mark of God’s standard; breaking His perfect law.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Front Lines- Matt. 9:37-38

I apologize for the lack of a full post this morning.  Lord willing we will start a small series tomorrow on "The Romans Road", where we go step by step through the plan of salvation; to help us lead others to Christ.  Until then I leave you with this food for thought...

The fighting is harder, the road more treacherous the closer you come, but it is here that the battle burns hottest, it is here that the victory is won or lost.  You may choose to stand back where things are easier and comfortable but don't believe it will make a change.  No, if a difference is to be made, if mountains are to be moved it will be on the front lines.  It is not  safe; It is dangerous; there will be injuries; there will be painful scars; there will be heavy tears, but there and only there will victory be achieved.  The war has already been won, but the battle for the souls of men, for truth, wages on: the front lines.

Are you on the front lines? Or are you more concerned about your own comfort?  Let us strive to fight the good fight, on the front lines. (1Tim 6:12, 2Tim 4:7)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Count Your Blessings – Deut. 28:2-6

My wife sings a song, “Count Your Blessings” and it is a beautiful reminder to me to do just that; stop and count my blessings. 

Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God hath done!
Count your blessings, name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
Johnson Oatman, Jr., pub.1897

We live in a broken and fallen world and it is easy to become discouraged. The economy is down, crime is up, and it seems like there is sickness and death everywhere. Sometimes we look around and we start to wonder if God has forgotten us; maybe He is too busy with other more important things.   We focus so much of our time and energy on what is going wrong that we forget to stop and think about what God has already done, what He is doing, and what He has promised to do.
When the children of Israel were wondering in the desert seeking the land that God had promised them, they started to look at their situation through human eyes and it seemed pretty bleak.  They did not have any great stores of food, they had been traveling for a long time, there was no sign of and end any time soon, and now Moses had not came back down from the mountain.  They assumed God must have forgotten or at the least forsaken them. So they built an altar and created a golden calf to worship. They got discouraged and sinned because they forgot about what God had already done in freeing them from Egypt. They stopped trusting God to fulfill what He had promised and started devising their own plans. Things would have been a lot easier and joyful for them if they would have just stopped first and counted their blessings.(Exodus 32)

It does not take me long to turn my attitude around when I put into action the words of the song and start counting my blessings. Let me share with you how my counting starts: I am a sinner who was destined and deserving of Hell but Jesus paid for my sins and God has adopted me as a son; I have a wonderful wife and two loving children that mean the world to me and I to them; I have a wonderful and supportive family; I have a few close friends that would drop anything and come to my aide whenever I call. 

I do not have to count far to realize that I could go on and on with the blessings in my life. The trials and troubles of this world soon start to seem unimportant as I see that God is actively working in my life.  He has brought me from a path of destruction and set me on a path of righteousness; allowed me to trade Hell for Heaven.  I am blessed!

Stop and count your blessings today. I challenge you to name them one by one; you may be surprised at what the Lord has done!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Getting Past Feelings- 1John 3:20

I have always been a deep thinker; I over analyze everything. So it is no wonder that many times as a new Christian I was bothered because I did not feel right.  People around me were shouting and clapping while I was sitting there wondering why I did not feel like I should; wasn’t I suppose to feel something more? Am I really saved if I do not feel this way or that way?  I focused so much energy on the way I was suppose to feel that I bogged myself down with doubt and fear; when I should have let go and went past my feelings.

I remember a sermon that forever changed the way I looked at my feelings. The preacher's sermon can be summed up with three words: Fact, Faith and Feelings (which are still written in my Bible). He expounded on the order of importance; that first we must look at the facts (of God, of Salvation, of redemption, etc.). Then we must put our faith in those facts (full trust and belief that they are true). Then the byproduct of faith in these facts is usually feelings.

Usually?  Yes, we will not always feel like we think we should.  Take for example when you are sick, you have been coughing and feeling miserable all day; does that mean you are not saved, because you do not feel overly happy and joyful? Never!  It is Fact, then Faith in the fact and then normally feelings.  Mark Lowery said that if he had to feel saved to be saved, he would not be saved half the time. I agree. It is past feelings.

The Bible says that if our hearts (feelings) condemn us that we should not fear for He (Jesus) is greater then our hearts (1 John
3:20).  In a few more places it says for us not to let our hearts be troubled and not to be afraid, but to trust in Jesus: in the truth, the facts (John 14:1, 27).  We should not base our faith on feelings, nor should we assume that something is fact based on our feelings.  When we put our faith in feelings we are missing the mark (the old English archery term for this: sin!).

So Christianity is a numb and unfeeling religion? Hah! When we truly understand the facts, put our faith in those facts, and stop worrying about how we are suppose to feel, our feelings will start to follow suite.  There is nothing now that gets me more excited then talking to people about Jesus Christ.  Not because I am suppose to feel a certain way but because I realize what He has done for me, and what He has and can do for them! I have a relationship with Jesus that goes past feelings; I know I am His always and forever!

If you are saved by faith in Jesus, stop letting your feelings control your relationship. Take ease in knowing He will never leave you or forsake you; regardless of how you feel (Heb. 13:5, Deut. 31:6).

Saturday, January 22, 2011

You Have to Try This- Romans 1:16

I tried a product called “Raisels”, a sour flavored, sugary raisin.  Now I know that you think that is weird and that it must not be good at all; I thought the same thing.  However, I met a lady that was just singing their praises and I just had to try it.  To my surprise they are really good; I have been telling people about them ever since.

When I accepted Jesus Christ in my life, He changed me; He cleansed me of all my sins, made me holy in the sight of God, and assured me life eternal with Him in Heaven. He offers the same salvation and regeneration to all who will accept it.  How much more then should I be singing His praises and telling people about the truth they will find in Jesus Christ?  I was not concerned at all for people to think I was crazy that this raisin candy is good; the proof is there if you will just taste it yourself.

So why is it easier for me to share the good news of some dried up, shriveled fruit, then it is to share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus?     On the one hand there is a snack that someone may enjoy; on the other hand there is the Savior who can change their life forever.  My reluctance is founded in the fear of rejection and persecution from my fellow man.  I know that people will laugh at me, call me crazy, and in extreme cases seek to kill me (this is not a big fear in the US currently, but Christians throughout the world face it, daily!); is it really worth all of that? As some old folks would say, “You can bet your britches on it!” (John 15:20)

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is to some a stumbling block, and to others it is foolishness, but to those that believe it is the power of God unto salvation (1Cor. 1:23-24, Rom. 1:16)!  We, who have accepted Christ in our lives and have been changed forever, should freely share what we have been given with everyone (Matt 10:8).  How wrong and selfish of us to try and keep it to our self!  If it is truly as good as we say it is, and it is, we need to make people hungry for God by testifying to what He has done in our own life (2Peter 1:16). Hey friend, you have to try this! 

Will you hide the Gospel of Jesus today? Or will you proclaim it to those around you?  People without a relationship with Jesus need Him desperately; their eternal life depends on it! You may not be willing to tell someone to, “Just Go to Hell!” but if you do not share the gospel with them, you are doing precisely that.   

Friday, January 21, 2011

A Dead End – Proverbs 14:12

While driving to my moms to pick up the kids (a road I have traveled many times) I became lost in thought and passed up a turn.  I did not realize I had passed up the turn and kept driving. I then made the wrong turn; thinking I had made the correct one.  I kept driving and anticipating getting to my moms house.  After several minutes I came to a dead end, which in turn brought me out of my delusion. I found myself in the wrong place; having no idea where I was or how I got there.  I did the only sensible thing to do: I turned around.

Saul found himself in a similar situation when he encountered Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. He had been going along very fervently believing he was doing God's will. He was doing his best to stomp out this blasphemous Jesus movement. His goal was to serve God and he thought he was doing just that until he came to a dead end; Jesus revealed Himself to Saul (Acts 9:1-6).

Saul could no longer go forward in the belief that he was serving God in the path he was taking. He found himself bewildered and not knowing what to do, so he asked Jesus for direction. He sent him to Damascus and then sent Ananias to give Saul back his sight, and to fill him with the Holy Spirit. God put Saul (whom became the Apostle Paul) on the correct road; only then did he reach his goal of doing God's will (Acts 9:17-20, 2Tim. 4:7-8).

Many times in life we are faced with different paths we can take.  If we lean on our own understanding, on what feels right to us, we will find our self away from our destination; we will be misguided in believing we are heading the correct way (Prov. 14:12).  However if we will seek Him (Prov. 3:6), He will bring our misconceptions to a dead end; He will show us our errors. Then we can turn and follow Him back to the correct path; where He can truly accomplish His purpose in us.

Whose direction are you following? Do you trust in yourself? Do you trust in someone else's words and teachings?  Or do you trust in God to direct your paths?  Fervently seek Him; He might just bring you to a few dead ends!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Not Finished Yet- 2Cor. 4:8-9, Rom. 8:28

I have never been a great artist; although my mom may disagree.  Sure I can look at a picture, copy out a rough representation and when I am finished you can tell what I have drawn. Sometimes however I have gotten discouraged in the middle of my artwork and given up; leaving nothing but a mess of shapes and lines. It would be hard for anyone to distinguish what I was trying to portray with the scribbled mess, because it is not finished. 

Sometimes we find ourselves in a difficult situation; our whole world seems to be crashing in on us.  The bills are due and the collectors are calling, the car is out of gas, we are low on food and daily essentials; we fear we may lose everything. We start to question within ourselves “Where is God?” and “Why hasn’t God liberated us from our situation?”  We take a look at the picture of our life in the current state and we cannot figure out what is going on; it just looks like a big mess! 

In the latter part of Genesis you will find the story of Joseph (Gen. 30:24 to Gen. 50:26). It does not take long to find out that Joseph had it rough.  He was hated by his brothers who thought about killing him, but instead sold him into slavery. He was sold to Potiphar whom he served well, until Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce Joseph; he ran away from the temptation but was falsely accused and thrown in prison.  He then helped interpret a dream of liberation for a servant of Pharaoh, whom promised to mention Joseph when he came before Pharaoh; he did not.  It was not until two years later when Pharaoh had a disturbing dream that the servant remembered Joseph.  God then blessed Joseph and gave him favor with Pharaoh; putting him over all of Egypt. In turn Joseph saved not only Egypt, but also his family from a great famine and ultimately death. 

It would have been easy for Joseph to have looked around while sitting in the prison and thought there was not hope; his life seemed to be one horrible situation after another. He probably wondered why he was continually punished when he had not done anything wrong to deserve such punishment.  However, Joseph remained faithful to God throughout all his trials; and after they had passed he saw what God had been doing all along. God had a purpose for every step of his journey and used every situation to bring him toward His goal (Rom. 8:28); to be used by God to save his family and all of Egypt.

We so often forget that we serve the same God that brought Joseph through his trials, to fulfill a greater purpose. God likewise has a great purpose for each of our lives.  We may go through trials that we do not understand, but in retrospect they will make perfect sense. Remember we serve the God of infinite wisdom and foresight, and He has laid out a plan for our life.  If we will follow Him we may find ourselves: hard pressed, but not crushed; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed (2Cor. 4:8-9).  Our life may seem like it is in total shambles and there is no hope; it is then that we are looking at a life and a purpose that is in progress; God simply is not finished yet! 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Heavenly Daddy - Psalms 107:19

It was not long ago that my little girl came running through the house at about two in the morning.  I was up sitting in the recliner and she ran to me screaming and crying; something had caused her to be afraid.  She did not tell me what was wrong she just wanted me to hold her; so that is what I did.  It did not matter what the situation was, my baby girl was scared so I comforted her.  In a few minutes she was perfectly fine again and she went right back to sleep in her bed. 

Sometimes we as Christians forget that we are the children of God.  We forget that He loves us, even more than we love our children. How much more then is He ready to take us in His arms and comfort us when we are scared and crying (Matt. 7:11)? God is not a far away ruler and dictator that is to busy for us, He is the Father God.  He is the Heavenly Daddy (Rom. 8:15)! He knows us so well that He has every hair on our head accounted for; He is that interested in us (Matt. 10:30). 

So if this is the case that God cares so much about us, then why are we so hesitant to call on Him?  We are His and He does not get bored with us running to Him with all of our problems, fears, and anxieties. He desires that we would stop trying to fix things by our self and within our self and allow Him to do a great work in us. Furthermore, we are urged to cast all (that means everything big, little, menial, etc.) upon Him because He cares for us (1Peter 5:6-7).  We are needlessly walking around carrying our burdens when God desires to liberate us.  He did not save us unto fear but unto power and liberty (2Tim 1:7, 2Cor. 3:17)!

You may say to me, “but I have tried to give it up to God and I am still dealing with it.”  My question to you is; have you let go and let God?  I once to prove this point handed a stapler to a friend. I told the friend to take the stapler and sit it on the counter next to us.  She attempted to do as I asked but could not; I would not let go of the stapler.  I asked her again to please place the stapler on the counter and she responded to me, “I can’t, you will not let go!”  Precisely, we must allow God to take our burdens, our grief, our shame, our every weakness and insecurity; we must let go! We must put our trust in Him that He will take care of our problems, knowing that we are more than just a number to Him.  We are His children; maybe we should start acting more like it. 

Are you dealing with something in your life that is weighing you down? Is it causing you despair? Maybe you have been holding on to this for a long time and you feel like you deserve to carry this burden. Allow God the joy of having you run to His arms so that He may comfort you.  If you have accepted a relationship with Jesus Christ, you are adopted, and God is “your” Heavenly Daddy!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Way – John 14:6

I kid with friends that all roads lead to my house.  There are at least half a dozen different ways you can get to my house; my mom tells me I take her down a different one every time I am driving. There are many routes you can take and get to the same destination. Just pick a way.

Many people look at getting to heaven in this way. They believe they can pick a path and as long as they are true to it and believe fervently, it will lead them to Heaven. Sure they see Jesus as "a" way, but they do not see Him as the only way.  To them it is all about being "spiritual", they believe that God will understand and accept them.

The Bible teaches us that Jesus is "the" way to Heaven (Acts
4:12). It leaves no room for other ways (Exodus 20:3). As a matter of fact Jesus himself said that if any man tried to get to Heaven another way, he would be a thief and a robber (John 10:1).  There are only two options: Heaven through Jesus Christ, or Hell without Him!

Some will say I am being close minded and intolerant. Call it what you will; your belief or my belief does not change the truth. It is time we stop trusting in what we believe and start seeking the absolute truth.  2 + 2 in a base 10 system will always equal 4: there is but one answer.  Even so there is but one way to Heaven, Jesus Christ.

Do you believe Jesus is the way? Or do you buy into your feelings and your own beliefs?  Know this, if you do not believe He is the only way then you call Him a liar. If you call Him is a liar then He is not in you (1John
2:22). If He is not in you, then you better be right about there being another way; there are no second chances in Hell.

Follow truth, follow the way; follow Jesus Christ!

Monday, January 17, 2011

I will trust in the Lord- Psalms 20:7c

My dad was such an inspiration to me in my life.  He trusted in God when he was on the mountain top and he trusted in God when he was in the lowest valley.  Dad had a bad seizure condition that would cause him to have grand mal seizures.  He would be unable to communicate and he would lose control of his body, it was a scary thing to witness (I’m sure even scarier to experience).  You could always tell when dad was coming out of the seizure; he would lift his hand to the sky and mumble and slur “Thank You Jesus!”. Dad’s trust was in the Lord.

People will have faith in something, it is inevitable. We are designed to worship and trust in God.  However, God has given us the free will to worship and trust in whom or what we will. The only way that we can experience and express true love is by having a choice whether to embrace or deny it; therefore God has not made us robots. We must choose this day whom or what we will put our trust in and serve (Joshua 24:15).

We have discussed in the previous devotionals why we should not put our trust in the devises of man, or any created being.  Instead we can place our trust in God; no one was before Him, no one will be after Him, and no one will ever rise above Him. (Rev. 22:13).  God is omnipotent (all powerful), omnipresent (everywhere), and omniscient (all knowing). We can trust that He will not be overthrown, outdone or outsmarted (although many have tried).  His words will never pass away (Mark 13:31) for He is the great “I AM” (Exodus 3:14).

So we know that He is all of these things, that He is supreme, but how do we know that we can trust Him?  We know we can trust Him because He loves us, and furthermore He proved His love for us by dieing for us on the Cross (Romans 5:8, John 3:16, John 15:13).  God’s love is true love, it is unconditional love; it never fails (1Cor 13:8).
Though chariots and horses will fall short and let us down; God never will.  He never changes (Heb. 13:8), and He always keeps His promises (2Peter 3:9).  He is the good Shepard, will you trust Him today (John 10:11)?

Do you trust in chariots or horses?  Or is your trust in the Lord?  You choose!


Great I AM, Your glory and power is forever.  You do not sleep nor slumber but You are always mindful of me.  I thank You that You loved me enough to give me a choice and to offer me redemption through Christ, when I made the wrong one.  I praise You that my trust in You will never be put to shame and You will never let me down.  You are good and You want good things for me and for all.  Thank You for Heaven and eternal life. My trust is in You Lord, and I love You in return! In Jesus name, Amen.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Some Trust in Horses – Psalms 20:7b

I remember a Halloween night years ago when my brother was about six years old and I was about eleven.  We were trick-or-treating and a guy dressed up as a ghoul started to follow us back toward the car.  My brother was petrified and started to cry. He yelled at me to give him relief and run the teenager away from us.  I just continued to walk back to the car.  I felt so bad for my brother but I did nothing, he may not even remember that night; I will never forget. Some trust in horses.

I could give you countless examples in my own life of how I have let people down and how I have been let down by people.  When we trust in created beings we will always be disappointed because we are imperfect, we are sinful.  No matter how pure our intentions are, we do not have the ability to fully lay down our humanity (yet); given enough time or with the proper motivation we will put our self first and let others down (Eph. 5:24a). No man will fully withstand the test; the higher the pedestal you raise a man upon, the farther he will fall.

We have a tendency to put “good people” like preachers and grandmas above others.  We decide within ourselves that these must be holier than we are and so we follow them as if they are perfect beings; we treat them as if they are Jesus Christ himself and their words are the gospel.  We not only err ourselves but we do them a dangerous disservice when we treat them like God.  We create a false-image of them that will crumble, ruining relationships and in some cases the witness and life of the one exalted.

I assure you salvation is not in kings or preachers.  We are simply God’s creations whom reflect God and his sovereignty. We are no more responsible for any goodness we have than the moon is responsible for the ability to reflect the sun.  Even the greatest of men will fail (Psalms 12:1). Salvation is of the Lord, do not put your trust in horses.

Do you put your trust in the created?  Do you lift man up in front of or alongside God (Rom. 1:25)?  If so your faith is vain. Man and beast will let you down and pass away. 


Holy unchanging God, You are perfect and just.  Forgive me when I have put my faith in anything other than You.  Man and beast alike will always let me down, but you will never fail. Restore the relationships that have crumbled because of my unrealistic expectations of people, for we are all sinners. Restore unto me the relationships of those I have hurt and let down because of my humanity.  Lead me everyday that I may walk closer to You and better reflect and direct people to Your Son!  I love You, You are my deliverer! In Jesus Name I come before Your throne, boldly, Amen!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Some trust in Chariots – Psalms 20:7a

We have come along way when it comes to technology.  We can send an email around the world in a matter of seconds. We can send money, sell, buy and trade across the globe with the click of a button.  We can hook up a security system in our houses and check on it via audio and video streaming directly to our phones.  We can have access to emergency help using the cell phone at all hours by dialing 911.  We can own a gun to protect us from attackers or home invaders.  We have it all figured out, all planned down to the minute detail. Our technology, our machines will save us.  Some trust in Chariots.

All throughout history people have trusted in the work of their hands.  We design and build then we put faith in what we have made to keep us safe, to make us wealthy (oh yeah money is devise of man too), to give us power, etc. However, I have yet to see a machine that gives eternal life, a machine that can raise the dead (I mean the “graveyard dead” as Jerry Clower would say), a machine that can truly change a person from the inside out, or a machine that offers true peace.  Yes we may be able to live a few years longer, keep our beauty a little longer, and even be able to protect ourselves to a certain extent.  Nevertheless when all is said and done our machines will fail and pass away.

It amazes me how we think so highly of our designs. We pretend that we had an original idea and it is a great thing to be worshiped.  The great weapons of today and the golden calf of the children of Israel are all simply our attempt to do what God has already done (Exodus 32:4). We mimic and copy and imagine our creations to be supreme; we put faulty faith in the work of our hands. Even our most sophisticated computer can not compare to the complexity of the human brain. Yet some will lay everything they have at the altar of technology, machinery, etc.; the altar of man’s creation.

Pharaoh trusted in his chariots when he chased the children of Israel whom God had liberated from him.  He came out with all his strength and power to destroy them, but not in rebellion of man; in rebellion of God. Pharaoh trusted that what he had created by the work of his hands would prevail against God.  Instead he and all of his chariots were destroyed.

Do you trust in chariots today?  Do you believe that enough money, enough stuff, enough power will keep you safe and fulfill you?  Do not think I am saying that these things are evil; I am not.  Things we create should be used but not worshiped. When our trust is in chariots we will always be gravely disappointed.


God You are holy!  I praise You that You are not bound by the devises of men. Help me to avoid trusting in things; in chariots. I know that all knowledge and all good come from You, so help me to use and glorify You for and with the creations of man. Strengthen me that I may share the gospel and lead others away from the worship of that which will pass away. I love You and I trust You! In the sweet name of Jesus I ask and pray, Amen. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

A better foundation - Matt. 7:24-25

When I was in college I loaded semi-trucks for UPS. I was taught a very specific way to load packages into a truck. It was important to create a firm foundation so the wall of packages would not be crushed or fall. This all started with the most important package: the cornerstone.

It is no coincidence that Jesus is referred to in scripture as the cornerstone. With a proper cornerstone the foundation will be strong and it will give strength to anything that is built on it. However If the cornerstone is weak the entire structure is at risk of crumbling.  With Jesus as our cornerstone there is no risk of a faulty foundation (Acts

We are not saved or kept by our works. We are however called as Christians to do good works (Eph 
2:10). When God changes us He gives us a heart of love to help others and guide them to a relationship with Him. Works are a byproduct of the change in us and proof of our faith (James 2:20).

Even as Christians we still have the free will to build our works upon the foundation of God or man.  I truly believe we do not intend to build upon mans foundation. However when we take it upon our self to do great things or view good works as an obligatory requirement, we fail to build on a proper foundation. These works are good for nothing and will be washed away and forgotten. Only works that are built with love upon the firm foundation of Christ Jesus will remain.

What foundation are you building on today?  Seek the Lord so that He may be glorified and your works may be proved and refined (1Cor.


Merciful and mighty God, I come before You with praise; You have set me free!  I am not bound by the law of works. I am 100% saved by Your grace through faith. Help my works to glorify You. Destroy the works that are useless and vain and make me more like Jesus.  You are holy God.  I love You too! In Jesus name, amen

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Building Sandcastles- Matt. 7:26-27

When I was growing up we took a few vacations to the beach.  My brother and I would spend hours building a sandcastle. We then built up a wall around it, followed by a sizable moat. We tried diligently to create a castle that would withstand the incoming tide. We never succeeded; the waves would quickly devour our fortresses.

Many times in life we build "sandcastles" when we seek to do great things so we can be glorified and remembered. We remove the focus from Christ and start to build on our own foundation. The castles may look beautiful for a short while but they will soon be ruined.  Even our good works if not done in love will quickly be brought to nothing (1Cor. 13:1-3).

Our deeds did not save us, nor do they keep us saved.  It is a good thing too, for if our salvation was in the castles we build there would be no hope. Our sandcastles will never weather the storm. They are just our sad attempts at self-righteousness and self justification. When we choose to do things our way, they will always fail. If we depend upon our self and not on God the waves will come and all of our effort will be wasted; our castles will fall leaving us with nothing (1Cor.

Are you building sandcastles in your life? Do you sit back and glory on what you have done? Remember castles built on such a foundation will soon perish. Do not waste your time with vain, loveless works.


Father God, You know all about me. I have sand castles in my life that need to be destroyed so that You may be glorified.  Clear out these castles of refuse so that I may build on a better foundation. Help there Lord daily to be less of me and more of You!  I love You almighty maker of heaven and earth.  In Your son Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Living Billboard Sign - Matt. 5:14

People have discovered that if they want to get their product or service recognized they have to advertise. Take a short drive around almost any town and you will find that someone is trying to sell you something on every corner.  One of the most blatant methods people use to get their word out is billboard signs; they are big, intrusive and almost impossible to overlook.

Jesus told us as follower of Him that we are the light of the world. We are like a city set on a hill; impossible to hide. Now I cannot recall the last time that I went by and noticed a city on a hill.  Our cities and towns have become so crowded and spread out that they run together and are harder to distinguish.  I think that if Jesus was to preach a sermon today He might just say something more like this, “You are the light of the world; a billboard sign that is read by all.” 

As Christians our life should reflect the life and ministry of Jesus.  Our life should be blaring out in the darkness; “There is Hope!”, “Jesus Loves You!”, “Repent so that You do not Perish!”   Our life is the only reflection of the gospel that some people will ever see. Therefore we must seek daily to follow Christ so that our life’s billboard is drawing people closer to Christ and not giving the wrong impression of Him.  Do not let your billboard sign shout, “You do not want to be a Christian, I am miserable!”  

We will go through a rollercoaster of ups and downs in our life.  Sometimes we will be full of serenity and harmony up on the mountain top, while other times we will struggle to make it through while we crawl across the valley.  In every situation we must allow the joy and peace that we have in Christ Jesus to overtake us; no matter the circumstances we must show others that we are relying on Christ always and trusting that He will carry us through (2Cor. 4:8-10). 

What is your billboard saying to the world today?  Is it a good message of hope and peace through Jesus?  Or is it a sad and gloomy message of self pity that will help no one?  The choice is yours!


God of infinite wisdom and unfailing love, I am not worthy to be Your billboard sign!  However in Jesus Christ I have been redeemed and I am now a joint heir in Your kingdom.  Let my life always reflect You, so that others may see my life and desire to seek a relationship with You.  I am nothing but through Your son Jesus I have been given everything! Why would I want to hide such a gift?  Help me to shout it on the rooftops that You have saved this vile and unworthy man, and You are still in the saving business.  Thank You for Your forgiveness, mercy, grace and love; it is more than I can fathom.  I love and trust You Lord, Your billboard, coming to You in the name of Jesus, Amen!  

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Do Not Lose Heart! – Deut. 31:8

I was once was told a story of a deacon who walked into the Pastor’s office and found the Pastor furiously pacing back and forth. 
“Pastor, what is wrong?”
“I am in a terrible hurry!”
“I still do not understand what the problem is Pastor.”
“God isn’t!”

Sometimes in our Christian walk we get in a terrible hurry to do God’s will. We start to follow Christ and His calling and purpose for our life; we are ready to get it started and get it done. We develop such passion that when things do not start to happen as fast as we think they should, we wonder if what God has called us to will ever be accomplished in our lives.  We start to lose heart because it is not happening the way we had planned it.  We look so close at the little puzzle piece we have been given, that we miss the big picture in God’s ultimate plan.

In John 11 we read the story of Lazarus. Mary and Martha had sent word to Jesus that Lazarus was deathly ill. However, by the time Jesus got there Lazarus had been dead for four days. They thought Jesus was too late; He could heal the sick but Lazarus was dead.  In their minds Jesus was four days too late to save His friend (vs. 21).  Boy were they surprised when Jesus did the impossible, He brought Lazarus back to life whom had been dead four days.  Jewish tradition (as I understand it) believes the soul lingers near the body for three days after which it goes on to the long home (present Heaven or Hell).  God chose for people to believe He was too late so that Christ would be glorified (vs. 4) and His deity know.

God’s timing is perfect and precise down to the smallest detail. We can trust His plans for they are not flawed like those of man.  God in His infinite wisdom knows when to rush in and when to wait.  Remember, it is His glory and purpose that we are seeking; not our own.  So when God tells us to go; let us run! But when God tells us to wait, let us be patient (Psalms 27:14).  There is no need to lose heart, for He always finishes what He starts, His promises are never broken and He will never leave us or give us up (Phil. 1:6, Heb. 13:5). 

Have you lost heart today?  Have you allowed satan to discourage you?  God is not through with you! Allow Him to encourage You today for He loves you and has great plans for your life!


Lover of my soul, You are great beyond what my mind can understand. You are so great that sometimes I get discouraged and I forget that You care so passionately about me. I know that I do not have to worry that You have pushed me to the “back burner” because You always have me in mind!  Oh what an immeasurably wise and loving God You are!  Encourage me today Lord and remind me of Your purpose and calling for my life. Guide me back to You when I forget that it is Your way and not mine.  Use me to encourage others who have become discouraged and help them to have a deeper and closer walk with You.  Hold me in Your arms, in Jesus’ most high name I pray, Amen (Let it be so)!

Monday, January 10, 2011

A Greater Calling- Phil. 3:14-15

Early on in my college career I began to think about changing my major. I put much thought toward the field of marine biology, to the point where I was looking at schools on the east coast. I remember distinctly sitting in an education class one day jotting down some notes about plans I was making about transferring colleges. It was at that instant that I felt like a large steel door had slammed shut inside my heart; it was if God said, “if you go that way you will not be in My will”. I did not go and boy am I glad, turns out God had a better plan and a greater calling for my life.

Throughout the Bible we read stories of God calling people into specific roles to perform specific duties. Moses was sent before Pharaoh (Exodus 3:10), Jonah was sent to Nineveh (Jonah 1:1-2), Peter was told to follow (Matt. 4:18-19), and many more. These men had a purpose and a calling from God. They had the choice to go against God’s calling, like Jonah did, but they could not turn away from it and remain in God’s will. To fight God’s purpose for our life is to lose blessings and miss out on peace and joy. It may also land you in the belly of a big fish (spiritually and/or physically).

God does not make every choice for us in our life; He allows us freedom to make our own decisions. However we must remember that we are created by and for Him, and He has good plans for our life (Jer. 29:11, Prov. 3:6). When we as Christians are told to go or in my case not to go, He has a reason and we can trust Him. Father knows best! I can tell you that it would be a sad thing if I had missed out on meeting my wife Tabitha and not having our two wonderful children. I would have also missed out on opportunities to share Jesus and to help others grow. I would have also missed out on getting to know wonderful people whom God has placed in my life. Now some people would say that I could do all these things wherever I go. Need I remind them not if I am living outside of what God wills? I prefer to eat fish, not vise verse!

I want to reiterate that God does not dictate every step of our life. If we put on white or black socks in the morning, it probably is not important. There is no need to ask permission to go help up a child who has fallen down. God gives us free will in our life; we are not computerized robots. However, we must be in tune with the Spirit that indwells us (when we have a relationship with Jesus) and allow it to direct us. Sometimes the way we are directed may not make sense to us or it may be against what we want to do. Let us not forget that God is not an evil tyrant, He is a loving and longsuffering God; not willing that any should perish (2Peter 3:9).

Are you in tune with God’s calling for your life? Or are you simply going your own way? Are you wrestling with God’s call? Be careful that you do not end up with a limp (Gen. 32:35) or in a big fish (Jonah 1:17)!


Oh mighty and merciful God, You are the creator and director of my life. Help me to follow Your will and accept Your calling for my life. I know that You are good and loving but You are also a jealous God; not allowing anything before You. Strengthen me that I will stand strong in faith, and fully rely on You. As I walk day-by-day let there be less of me and more of You. I love You Lord. Let everyday bring me closer to Your perfection. I look forward to worshiping You throughout eternity with those who have decided to follow You! In no other name I pray but Jesus, Amen

Sunday, January 9, 2011

And Phillip ran- Acts 8:29-30

On your mark, get set, GO! This phrase marked the beginning of many of my childhood races. As soon as I heard “go” I would run with everything in me, as fast as I could toward the goal. There was no time for planning or distractions after go had been shouted. If I wanted to win the race I had to run!

When the Spirit of God told Phillip to go and catch up with the eunuch he did not stop to ask questions or make a plan of attack. There was not time for second guesses. When the Spirit said to “go”, Phillip ran knowing that if God sent him that He already had the way prepared. Phillip’s trust in God allowed him to explain the word of God to the eunuch, preaching to him Jesus. The eunuch accepted Christ, immediately becoming a believer.

God does not always share with us ahead of time where we are going or what He is sending us to do. I know that as far as I am concerned it is partially to keep me from messing it up. God says go and expects us to follow His lead. My dad would often tell me “because I told you so!” when I questioned why I should listen to him. God sometimes explains His direction but at other times just expects us to go because He told us so. We know that God has good plans for our life and His way and direction is always best (Jer. 19:11).

Is God telling you to go? Are you running? Or are you second guessing and trying to figure it out by yourself? Run (Heb. 12:1-2)!


God of Heaven and Earth, I thank You for Your love and direction. I thank You that I can trust You whenever and wherever You send me; for You are good. Help me to run when you tell me to; knowing that nothing ever surprises You! I love You Lord, help me to encourage others and lead them to You! In Jesus’ supreme name I ask and pray, Amen.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Sword of the Spirit- Eph. 6:17b

When you play football you have a playbook, which is full of instructions and diagrams to help you learn the plays. To be a successful player you must commit to memory the plays and understand how to carry out each play. You then take to practicing the plays over and over again as a team until the coach believes you can successfully perform them against your opponents. After all the memorization, study and practice you finally put the plays into action during the game. If you can accomplish every play offensively and defensively like clock-work, you will win games!

What if we treated God’s word like our life’s playbook? Would that change the way we look at picking it up? Knowing it? Living by it in every situation? If we are serious about knowing God more and winning souls for Jesus it would. So why is it that one of the hardest things for us to do seems to be to grab hold of our Bible and dive in to God’s word? If you think about it for a second the answer is pretty obvious.

When we are saved in Jesus Christ we are secured by Him and not even Satan can steal us from God’s hand (John 10:29). So satan does not concern himself as much with our belt, our breastplate, our shoes, our helmet or even our shield, sure he cares and wants to hinder our using them but all together they are defensive weapons; weapons that protect us against attacks and secure us. The sword is the only weapon in the armor that’s purpose is not primarily defensive (though it is good for that too!), it is an offensive weapon. With the sword we not only ward of the attacks of the enemy, we take the fight back to him.

Satan cannot stand against God’s word (Matt. 4:10-11), and with it we take the power of God to a lost and dieing world allowing them to be forever changed (Rom. 1:16). I believe it is this piece of the armor that he is most afraid of, for it is power, it is the law of and testimony of God. It will never cease to be (Matt. 24:35) and it will never change for He will never change (Heb. 13:8). Satan knows the power of the sword and he will try in everything to keep you from it. He will try to hinder you from wielding it and he will try to convince you how to use it in a way that diminishes its power (he can quote the scripture too!), so be wary of false doctrines and traditions of men.

Are you taking hold of the Sword of the Spirit today? Of course not you are too busy. After all it is not all that important anyway, it is not like it will change the life of the reader and the hearer. Or will it? Yes, it most definitely will (Isaiah 55:11)!


Ancient of Days, I praise You because You never change. I thank You for Your word that was shared with me so that I was able to believe in You. Help me to realize the offensive power that is in Your word so that I may be strong in You and take the Gospel to the world. I know that I do not have to be afraid of satan because he cannot stand against You and Your word! You reign supreme oh mighty God! Help me to wield Your sword with humility, truthfulness and confidence, so that it will make a change in both my life and the lives of those with whom I share it! I love You! In Jesus’ most holy, true and powerful name I ask and pray, Amen.

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Helmet of Salvation- Eph. 6:17a

Once when speaking to a group of youth I had them take a piece of paper and jot down as a percentage how sure they were that if they died right now they were going to heaven. They then folded the paper and placed it in a box. When I pulled them out and looked at them I saw that I received a lot of different responses covering the whole spectrum. The only true responses are 0% and 100% but these were the least common answered in my anonymous survey. I find that many people (even Christians) stand unsure of their salvation. As Christians we should be sure of our salvation in and through Christ. Those who have not accepted a relationship with Jesus Christ can be equally sure that they are not going to heaven, unless they turn and begin a relationship with Him (John 14:6, Luke 13:3).

The next piece of the armor of God is the helmet of salvation. Taking hold of the helmet of salvation means first that we are saved; we have a relationship with Jesus. However, I believe that Paul was directing these passages of scripture more toward those who were already believers and so telling them to take hold of the helmet of salvation. As believers it is important that we are sure in our salvation. We must understand that it is an all or nothing salvation; we either have a relationship with Jesus Christ or we do not.

Satan will try and sway Christians into believing they are not saved or no longer worthy of God and His salvation. My first response to such accusations is to take him to the cross and the empty tomb. Jesus paid the price for our sins and made receiving His salvation simple (Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, 10: 9-13, 8:38-39). Secondly we can remind satan that we were never worthy on our own and we are only worthy and righteous through Christ alone!

As Christians we must take hold of the helmet of salvation that we may walk strong and sure in Christ and His promises. How can we lead others to Christ if we are unsure of our own salvation? We must look within ourselves and prove to our selves that we are indeed in Christ (2Cor. 13:5). When satan knocks at my door accusing me of not being a Christian or not being “saved correctly”, I take him back to November 14, 1996 on the edge of my bed, sitting beside my dad with the Bible open to Romans, where I asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins and invited Him into my life: He did and He came!

Have you accepted Christ’s great gift of Salvation? Is satan hindering you by making you doubt that you are saved? Take him to the cross, the empty tomb and your relationship with the Jesus Christ; he cannot stand against such proofs!


Redeemer God, You have offered to us such a great and immeasurable salvation. Thank You that I know that I am saved and I do not have to wonder through this life just hoping that I will make it to Heaven. I know that satan will use many tactics to try and deceive me into believing I am not saved, but I know it is through a relationship with Christ alone. Help me not to be deceived and swayed with every wind of doctrine, but rooted and grounded in your truth. Guide me Lord to lift others up to You and strengthen them when satan tries to confuse and deceive. Thank You that You have made such a complex salvation so simple to receive. I love You Lord. In Your Son Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Shield of Faith – Eph. 6:16

In football the offensive line shields the quarter back from incoming attacks. A good group of linemen will defend the quarterback in such a way that he can focus on the goal at hand; scoring points and winning the game. However if the quarterback does not have confidence in those who shield him, he will become too quick on his feet and will more likely make costly mistakes.

What is faith? And what should I have faith in? The word faith can mean a lot of things to people but for Paul’s and our purpose we will define faith as: An unwavering belief and trust in God and His word, that He will do (or has already done) the things He has promised; belief beginning before or in the physical absence of the fulfillment of the promises. Not blind as some accuse, but calculated: based on proofs, knowledge and wisdom that God has given us.

The next piece of the armor of God is the shield of faith. Paul even goes the extra mile to explain why this piece of armor is so important; it can quench all of the fiery darts from satan! The Roman shield in which Paul based his analogy was a large (likely rectangular) shield that could be used alone but was best utilized when side by side with others forming a wall of protection. We are to have faith like a shield; strong and firm alone while more impenetrable when united with other believers (Eccl. 4:12)।

Satan is going to attack us when we are earnestly seeking God’s will. We must take hold of the shield of faith so that we are ready to face him. We can not overpower satan or his attacks without faith. However with faith we can be saved (Luke 7:50, eph 2:8) move mountains (Matt. 17:20), see the sick healed (Mark 2:5), be justified (Rom. 5:1) etc. With faith as our shield we can put out all of the fiery darts of the wicked; ALL!

Have you taken hold of the shield of faith today? Will you allow God to do mighty works through you and your faith? Faith links us to God’s power, and through God’s power all things are possible!


Precious and most high God, Beginning and End, I praise You for being the all knowing, all being, all powerful God! Thank You for the power I have been given to know You and be used by You through the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ! Help me that I do not limit You by lack of faith. I ask today as the apostles did in Luke 17:5 “Increase our faith”, Lord increase my faith so that mountains will be moved, lives will be forever changed, and You will be glorified! You are God and You are good, always and forever! I love You Lord, In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Footwear prepared in the Gospel of Peace- Eph 6:15

In a speech class in college the professor gave us an interesting assignment.  We went around the class and he one by one gave us a topic and we had to immediately give an impromptu speech.  While we were talking he would ring a bell every time we said um, ah, or paused for more than a second.  The bell rang steadily all class period because we were unprepared to give our speeches.

The third piece of the armor of God is footwear prepared in the gospel of peace.  This means we should be ready at all times to share and defend the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Enable for us to be prepared we must be consistent in bible reading, bible study, prayer etc.  We must daily fellowship with God, seeking a deeper relationship with Him.

If we are to be prepared in the gospel of peace we must know what we believe as well as know why we believe it. It is not good enough to simply follow your parents’ beliefs.  Holding onto parental religion (just because dad and mom must be right) leaves us with shallow roots; unprepared in the gospel and easily shaken and tossed off balance (Eph 4:14). If we are to be victorious we must have deep roots grounded upon God’s gospel and able to defend why we believe so fervently that it is truth.

There is nothing wrong with questioning what you do not understand.  God does not call us to a blind faith in which we are to simply believe what we have been told or what feels right: this is what other religions do.  We must desire and seek out truth and not be quick to take man’s word as fact (Acts 17:11). Peter in his second letter reminded the readers that the apostles were not following cunningly devised fables but were rooted and grounded in the truth which they new to be fact (2 Peter 1:16).  If you do not know the answer seek and you shall find (Matt 7:7) when you seek God with all your heart! (Jer. 29:13)

Are you prepared today in the gospel of peace?  Do you know what you believe? Do you know why you believe it? (FYI it feels right is not good enough! Prov. 14:12) I challenge you today to answer these questions, and if you are unsure: SEEK, so that you may find truth.


Almighty, perfect, and true God, I thank You for absolute truth. I thank You that You are a God who has proved over and over that You are indeed the only and true God!  Help me not to be tossed with every doctrine and idea of men.  Help me to seek out and be rooted and grounded in You so that I may be prepared in Your gospel. I know that I need to be able to share my faith and defend it so that others may see that You are truth and not just a fad or “religion”.  I want to know You more and go deeper with You, no matter the cost. I love You Lord because You first loved me. Thank You for Your Grace!  In Jesus name I come, Amen.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Breastplate of Righteousness – Eph. 6:14b

I have talked to youth many times about the subject of righteousness.  I have found that righteousness tends to be one of those churchy words that is used frequently but seldom fully grasped.  I always challenge youth that when they do not understand something they need to look deeper and seek greeter insight into God’s word.  A good place to start with a word you do not understand is what my dad so thoughtfully referred to as “Bro. Webster”; the dictionary.   The definition as I remember it from my old dictionary was basically, “acting in accordance to divine law: free from sin and guilt.”

Righteousness is something that we cannot obtain on our own merit.  As a matter of fact Isaiah 64:6 describes our righteousness as filthy rags.  Now when I think of filthy rags I think of used toilet paper.  This may seem a little gross of a statement but it gets the point I am trying to make across fully; our attempt at righteousness without God is like used toilet paper! It is vile and good for nothing but to be flushed down the toilet.  God certainly does not want us to put this so called righteousness on as a breastplate.  Filthy rags do not protect well against fiery darts.

Instead Paul urges us to put on God’s righteousness. To don this breastplate as Christians we must be obedient to God’s will and direction for our lives.  When we accept Jesus as our savior He justifies us, making us no longer guilty of breaking His law.  However it is important that we continue to “act in accordance” or simply put we need to obey God’s commandments.

We must then be free from sin and guilt.  Can we Christians sin? You better believe it (1John 1:8)!   So to put on the breastplate of righteousness we must lay aside the sin that sneaks into our lives daily (or every second if necessary!). God has liberated us from the power of sin, so we need to flee from it. Nevertheless when we sin (and we will) we must allow God to pick us up, dust us off and point us back in the right direction.  Furthermore we need not to linger on our mistakes, drudging in our guilt and shame. Rather we must fully accept in our hearts and minds what God has already done in our spirit; freed us from our guilt, our shame and our sin (1John 1:9)!   Only then will we put on the breastplate of righteousness.

Have you put on the breastplate of righteousness today?  Is satan causing you to dwell on past sins and struggles and hindering you in your spiritual fight?   Let today be the day that you lay aside any sin that is weighing you down and stop allowing satan to deceive you into feeling guilty and ashamed.  If you have accepted Christ as your savior and laid it all at His feet then you are free.  Satan has no power over you, so dress yourself in God’s mighty breastplate of righteousness and get back onto the battle front.


Merciful and gracious God I want to thank you for Your righteousness.  If it were not for Jesus paying the price for me I would be bound forever to my sins, but because of His sacrifice I am FREE!  You have cleansed me from my unrighteousness and made me pure and holy in You.  No one is able to lay charge to those that You have justified so I today am laying down my feelings of guilt and shame at Your feet.  Help me to daily put on the breastplate of righteousness and follow You into the battle for the souls of men! In Jesus name I pray, Amen