Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Restorer of my soul – Psalm 23:3a

He restoreth my soul: Psalm 23:3a

Last time we talked about green pastures and still waters.  We discussed how at times in our life, often the roughest, that the Shepherd leads us to a place of serenity and peace.  He uses these places in our life to aide in the restoring of our soul.  The Shepherd is concerned with our well being so He brings us to a place of healing, a place where our spiritual needs are fulfilled and our spirit is rejuvenated.

So why do we need to be restored?  Well there are physical strains of life; just going through the day to day motions of life will bring us to a place of weariness. Maybe we have followed the Shepherd close and tried diligently to follow His every command. Still yet we find our self just worn out.  We haven’t strayed beyond the fold, we haven’t done any great act of disobedience, but we still have a need for restoration.

On the other hand we are sheep and we have a bad habit of wondering away.  We see a little patch of green grass just on the other side of the fence and we must get to it.  Surely the Shepherd won’t mind.  We end up in a large and dangerous mess because we have strayed from the protection and guidance of the Shepherd. We have gone out on our own and we have been injured by the wolves waiting just outside the fold.  Thankfully the Shepherds eye does not stray from His sheep and He has rushed in just in time to save us from our mistake. Now He has pulled us aside to His green pastures, beside His still waters.  Now He begins to restore us, to make us whole once again. 

Are you in need of restoration? Have you gone so far your own way that you can’t even see the fold anymore?  Cry out like a lost little sheep; the Shepherd is waiting to hear you cry out to Him.  He knows where you are, His eyes are always upon you, but He is patiently waiting for you to cry out to Him so that He can truly restore your soul.  

Are you wondering alone in the wilderness? Have you spent all your life wondering if there is more, if true peace and serenity exist?  It does; you too can cry out to the Good Shepherd.  He will bring you into His fold, doctor your wounds and for the first time He will restore your soul to the state He intended it to be.  You will experience a life full of ups and downs as you travel with the Shepherd. Never fear, no matter how rough the road there is always green pastures and still waters just ahead.