Friday, September 21, 2012

Dirty Diapers and Problem Solving- Hebrews 6:10-12

This morning as I was sitting in my recliner I got a waft of something nasty.  It didn’t take me long to figure out that the little trash can beside my chair had a dirty diaper in it.  I was faced with a dilemma.  I figured out that I had four main options:

1.       I could stay where I am sitting and just get use to the smell.

2.       I could move away from the smell and sit somewhere else.

3.       I could move the trash can away from me and make it smell somewhere else.

4.       I could take out the trash and get rid of the smell.

I’ll be honest, this isn’t the first time this has happened.  There have been many dirty diapers in this little trash can and I have played out each one of the above scenarios.  The only one that has ever had lasting results is number four.

Brad, now where are you going with this?  I don’t have any kids who have diapers, this doesn’t relate to me. Not to mention that what you have said is just common sense.

Maybe that is what you are thinking.

This brings me to a few (well four) points.

Point #1

When something needs done in the Church or in our personal life and we don’t want to do it, we have a tendency as people to just ignore the problem. As time goes on the problem becomes to us less of a problem and more of a small nuisance.   If we continue down this process sooner or later we start to believe there really isn’t a problem at all. Now this may seem like a good thing. After all you can’t see the problem anymore so what does it matter.  Well, it matters because there is still a problem and although you are now unaware, it is evident to everyone else and the effects of that problem are still active and are probably growing worse.  The fact of the matter is: Ignoring a problem rarely makes a problem go away.

Point #2

At other times we decide the solution to the problem is for us to just move away from the problem.  We don’t like what is going on here or we don’t like how it ‘smells’ so we’ll just go somewhere else where this problem doesn’t exist.  We love this solution. If we get frustrated with our Church we just go find another Church.  If we get fed up with our spouse, we just get rid of the one we have and look for another spouse.  We avoid problems instead of trying to solve them.  Somewhere along the way we started believing that God wants us to be happy and that means that we should abandon everything and seek after personal fulfillment.  That’s not the Gospel!  That isn’t even a part of the Gospel! The Gospel tells us to abandon ourselves (that means our goals, dreams, aspirations, oh yeah and even our happiness) to Jesus Christ.  That doesn’t mean that we won’t have these things, it means that we are no longer in control of them.  Better yet, they are no longer in control of us.   Abandoning the problem doesn’t solve the problem.

Point #3

A long time back we came up with another solution to our problems; make them someone else’s problems.  We even have a term for the recipient: A scapegoat.  If we don’t want to solve the problem we’ll make sure that it is someone else’s responsibility.  We love to point out how someone else has this problem or how they have not taken care of the problem.   We can easily go on our way happy if we can focus our energy on what everyone else is or isn’t doing.  If we would take a closer look maybe we would realize that we are the problem, or at least that we could help in solving the problem.  But Brad, it isn’t my duty or my responsibility it is theirs.  Brad they will never learn if I don’t let them do it.   Aren’t you glad that Jesus doesn’t think like we do? After all it wasn’t His sin that was keeping us from being holy before God.   It wasn’t His responsibility to pay the debt we owed.  It wasn’t His problem.   Now Brad that is different!  Is it?  Is it really that different?  God can give us grace, and we are more than happy to keep it to ourselves.  Making a Scapegoat or blaming someone else for the problem won’t solve the problem.

Point #4

Now this is where the rubber meets the road.  This is where the gears start grinding and the work gets started.  When we decide that this problem is my problem, even if I didn’t cause or fuel it.  That I am going to do everything with heaps of Grace, Mercy, and Love so I can help.  (Let me note that I am not encouraging you to go dive into the lives of others and pull out their problems, I promise you have enough to fool with on your own without putting others under the microscope. I am talking more about corporate problems.)   We need to stop being stagnant and apathetic.  We need to stop hopping around looking for a place without problems because it doesn’t exist on this side.  We need to stop blaming and scapegoating others.  It is time for us to be proactive and take out the trash. Now let me stop and elaborate on something, the trash I’m talking about is not a person or a group.  I’m not saying you need to stand up in a meeting and spout your opinion. I’m not saying you need to take over the leadership because you can do it better.  And I am not saying you should run someone off.  If you think that is what I’m getting at then you need to go back and re-read point #3.   When I say get rid of the trash I mean. Stop being apathetic and uncaring. Stop blaming others and pointing fingers.  Stop acting like everything is as good as it should be.  I’m talking about inward trash, trash that you need to get out of your life so you can step up and do what you should have already been doing.  I know someone will read this and think, “You tell them Brad, that is what they need to do!”  Here is your wakeup call, if you are thinking that, you are the number one person I’m talking to!  I’m seeking God’s guidance to get the trash out of my life; will you do the same in yours?  Only when we decide to become part of the solution, will we no longer be part of the problem.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Closer Look- Philippians 3:7-21

I’m going to be straight with you, that is just who I am. God is stirring something inside my heart and I’m not sure what it means or how far it goes. We just recently passed the one year mark for our ministry here at FBC Perrysburg and I have had to step back and try and take a critical look at the past year. My desire is to see this ministry grow not just in number but in relationships with Christ. To make disciples! Have we been successful in our mission?

Looking at my life I have to ask, am I being the best husband, father, youth pastor, friend, servant of Christ that I can be? These are some of the many questions I have been asking. As I go to the Lord in prayer I have thrown these questions out on the table. Trembling I have asked, “Is there something I am doing/not doing that is hindering this ministry?” God is good, and He is gracious. He has placed us here because this is where we are supposed to be, this much I know for sure.

I know that we can always do better, that is a part of constantly becoming more like Christ, but that is not the main point of my questions. Am I being a stumbling block or a building block? Am I leading others closer to Christ, or keeping them from Him? I know me, inherently I am selfish, and I am a sinner. Even though Christ has changed me and I am a new creature, I still wrestle with this temporary suit of flesh. Why do I pay so much attention to the groans and whims of it? My heart seeks with everything in me to diligently and closely follow Christ, forget self and be used by God in whatever form or fashion that He sees fit. But I am weak, my flesh is weak. This is no excuse.

As I am reading over the past few paragraphs it dawns on me that someone may think I am about to reveal some big secret or some major change; I am not. I just want to say that I am hungry, hungry for His righteousness. Hungry to be more like Christ! I do not want to waste my life with things of this world that have no lasting value, no eternal significance. Yet as I look at the energy and time I devote to these things and their acquisition, I get a little sick. I wonder if I am building up castles of sand in this life, only to see them quickly vanish with the tides.

So what is important now? I’m not saying that you or I should radically abandon everything, and move to India. I’m not even saying that we should radically stop buying a $4 coffee or playing video games. All I’m saying is that we ought to radically abandon our lives to Jesus Christ; every square inch, every crevice, everything that we hold dear. And if you are like me, we should re-do this often. I encourage you to do a self-inventory, and to go before the Lord for an evaluation. So that we can see through His eyes, love through His heart, and touch the nations with His grace.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Step Out the Door - Philippians 3:12-17

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.  Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12-17

This morning I intended to get up at 6:30 am so I could run.  But 6:30 am came and went and I was still in bed, followed by 7:00 am. Finally at 7:30 am I managed to pull myself out of bed; I felt tired, discouraged, and the last thing that I wanted to do was walk out my front door and run.   As I sat in my chair putting on my socks and running shoes I contemplated several times just staying home and not running today.  After all, let me remind you “I hate to run” and once again my running partner didn’t show up.  So against every ounce of my physical body (around 3520 oz. if I calculate right) I walked out the door, pushed through the dread, the lack of motivation, and pressed on.  

I would like to tell you that what happened next was that I ran 3 or 4 miles at a great pace, but my mom taught me lying is bad.  I jogged along and made it about .6 (6/10ths) of a mile before I had to slow down to a walk and catch my breath, after a few minutes I turned around and ran the .6 mile back home.  I got home out of breath, and covered in sweat! But I had done it; I had overcome another day of running and am one more step toward my goal of being a healthier and better fit example to my children and my youth.

So what does all this running mumbo jumbo have to do with anything?  Well I continue to see week after week people who have the ability to overcome obstacles and do great things for God via their local Church, missions, etc.  Yet they won’t make the commitment to step out of their comfort zone or their own agendas.  They are just too busy and too comfortable to make obedience and service to God and others a priority.  

I can’t run far, or fast, or even well, but I am running.  I’m not a great teacher, great preacher, or great witness, but I think I am getting better as I continue to do those things.  It doesn’t matter whether you are 8 or 80, there is something that you can do to press on and become closer to God.  Today will you step out the door that God has placed in front of you, press on, suffer through and become victorious?    Let me tell you again, “I hate to run, but I love the way running makes me feel!” 

Walk before you run, run before you sprint; no matter the pace, no matter the distance, step out the door and keep moving forward!

“It’s the job that’s never started that takes the longest to finish!” J. R. R. Tolkien

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Run Well! - Hebrews 12:1

This morning I got out of bed at 6:20am.  That is a big deal for me because I am not a morning person, I’m not even an afternoon person.  However this morning I got up and went running with a friend.  On top of not being a morning person I’m not a runner. Anyone who has seen me lately can tell that I haven’t been running in a while…a long while.   But I got up this morning and went running, it was horrible; I couldn’t breathe, I felt like I was going to lose the coffee I shouldn’t have had before running and it was altogether miserable.    At least it was for a while.  After I had laid on my couch and recovered, had breakfast and coffee along with a good “Jesus” conversation, followed by a shower, I felt like a million bucks!   It was hard but I had accomplished just a small little victory.  I intend to get up again tomorrow and suffer a little more.

Starting to run when you haven’t in a long time is hard work; you have to press through the pain and the desire to give in and give up.   You have to be committed to work through side pains, lack of breath, shin splints, etc.   It takes time to get in a grove where running is enjoyable (they tell me it gets that way at some point) and what once seemed like an unattainable task is simple.   You have to pay the price to overcome obstacles.

It is not surprising that Paul compares the Christian life to running a race…

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1 (NIV)

Walking with Christ is not always easy, make no mistake it is the best, the most joyful, really the only true way, but it is not always easy.  Sin and guilt creep in and weigh us down, some people step in and try and trip us up (sometimes succeeding).  We fail, we hurt, we cry… but we go on!   The race is already won and like my friend Matt was with me all the way this morning, Jesus is with us all the way. He will direct us, encourage us, chastise us, but never leave us; He loves us!

Start running, keep running, and run well!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Bodily Exercise and Godliness - 1 Timothy 4:7-8

I started thinking a week or so ago about my health and my weight.  I am a youth pastor, so how does the way I take care of my body effect the way people view my ministry? I know that the focus should be on the eternal versus the temporal (1 Tim. 4:7-8) but I believe I should start taking better care of the body (or temple if you will '1 Cor. 6:19') that God has entrusted to me.  I am horrible about eating what I want and trading exercise for slothful, self indulgent behavior; this certainly does not lead to the godliness that Paul was telling Timothy to focus on. What message am I sending my children, my wife, my youth and the families of the Church, or the lost, about the importance of being good stewards of what we have been given? If it isn't important to me, will it be important to them?   It is no secret that not exercising and not eating right leads to bad health, disease and loss of quality of life. I think it is time that I start realizing this now and do my part to be a good steward of my own body so that I may teach others the importance of doing this as well.   If we have to chose between bodily exercise which profits a little 'or' godliness that profits eternal, I will take the godliness every time. But who says we have to chose?  I think Paul was saying that both are good, just don't let the former outweigh or cause you to lose sight of the latter! Now is the time to change!

In all labor there is profit, But mere talk leads only to poverty. Proverbs 14:23(NASB)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Throw it out! - Matt. 18:6-9 & Heb. 12:1

Every Christian can get rid of stumbling blocks (traps) in their lives by asking themselves three simple questions.

  1. Is a specific thing in my life (thing, action, person) causing me to sin? (Matt. 18:8-9)
  2. Is a specific thing in my life causing me to lose focus on God? (Heb. 12:1)
  3. Is a specific thing in my life causing others to sin or lose focus on God? (Matt. 18-6-7)
When you get a yes answer to any of these questions…Throw it out! 

Don’t just place it by the door. Don’t hide it under the bed, or in the back of the closet.  Get rid of it and throw it out.  You will be glad you did!  

Thursday, February 2, 2012

30 Hour Famine

2012 30 Hour Famine


We are so excited to be doing our Famine this year! During the 30 Hour Famine, our youth group will actually NOT EAT for 30 hours. YES! You read that right. Teenagers? not eating... for 30 hours. Why? Because nearly 8,000 children under age 5 die every day because of hunger-related causes, that's one child every 10 seconds. And we are NOT okay with that, we will NOT stand by while children die from lack of food.

In the time leading up to and during our 30 hours of fasting, the students are going to get a crash course in global hunger and come face to face with the realities of poverty and injustice. We will make a global impact by learning about world hunger and raising money for hungry children around the world through World Vision; a local impact through service projects and raising awareness during our 30 hours; and making an individual impact on us when we will all get a small taste of what it is like for starving kids around the world. 

We will officially begin fundraising  for the event on Jan. 25th.  All the money raised will go to feed our starving neighbors in Africa.  (Rewards will be given based on donations raised).
We will also be starting a food drive on Jan. 25th and all of the food will be donated to the Southside Life Station in Toledo, OH to benefit those in need in our local community.
In our culture today we are pushed toward a me centered mentality. What we need to be happy is to consume, consume, consume.  We as Christian's know that this is not the way, yet we often get sucked into acting this way.   30 Hour Famine is a way that we can separate ourselves (for a time) from both food and technology (that's right cell phones must be checked in at the door).  
It is a time when we can draw closer to God, be good Samaritan's and stewards of His riches and love. 
We have set a group goal, each $30 we raise will help feed and care for a child for a month. Check out our thermometer to see our goal. Will you help us reach our goal this year?  Donate today.

Thanks for sponsoring us to go without-so others can eat.And so our Famine begins.

Want to know where the money raised through the Famine goes?Visit to learn more about 30 Hour Famine and World Vision?s hunger programs.