Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Dead End – Proverbs 14:12

There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. Proverbs 14:12 (NKJV)

While driving to my moms to pick up the kids (a road I have traveled many times) I became lost in thought and passed up a turn.  I did not realize I had passed up the turn and kept driving. I then made the wrong turn; thinking I had made the correct one.  I kept driving and anticipating getting to my moms house.  After several minutes I came to a dead end, which in turn brought me out of my delusion. I found myself in the wrong place; having no idea where I was or how I got there.  I did the only sensible thing to do: I turned around.

Saul found himself in a similar situation when he encountered Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus. He had been going along very fervently believing he was doing God's will. He was doing his best to stomp out this blasphemous Jesus movement. His goal was to serve God and he thought he was doing just that until he came to a dead end; Jesus revealed Himself to Saul (Acts 9:1-6).

Saul could no longer go forward in the belief that he was serving God in the path he was taking. He found himself bewildered and not knowing what to do, so he asked Jesus for direction. He sent him to Damascus and then sent Ananias to give Saul back his sight, and to fill him with the Holy Spirit. God put Saul (whom became the Apostle Paul) on the correct road; only then did he reach his goal of doing God's will (Acts 9:17-20, 2Tim. 4:7-8).

Many times in life we are faced with different paths we can take.  If we lean on our own understanding, on what feels right to us, we will find our self away from our destination; we will be misguided in believing we are heading the correct way (Prov. 14:12).  However if we will seek Him (Prov. 3:6), He will bring our misconceptions to a dead end; He will show us our errors. Then we can turn and follow Him back to the correct path; where He can truly accomplish His purpose in us.

Whose direction are you following? Do you trust in yourself? Do you trust in someone else's words and teachings?  Or do you trust in God to direct your paths?  Fervently seek Him; He might just bring you to a few dead ends!