Monday, December 20, 2010

Are You Hungry? Matt 5:6

For a long time I looked at Matthew 5:6 and I missed a big part of what Christ was expressing to us.   “Blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.”   I thought I understood exactly what He meant. Ok, hunger after righteousness on Earth and be filled eternally. Got it!  It was not until I was recently reading the scripture once again that God revealed a whole new depth to me. Although, I believe Christ was speaking of the eternal I also believe there is a deeper message about our daily walk with Him.

I started thinking about how eating and hunger is such a big part of my daily life. Those who know me personally can confirm that I have a large appetite. However, it seems no matter how much I eat I soon become hungry and am ready to eat again. My built in hunger gauge lets me know quickly (and sometimes audibly) that it is time for some more nourishment. Did a light-bulb just go off over your head?  We are not meant to be filled with His righteousness just one time and done! (Deut. 8:3)

Our daily physical need causes us to get hungry, eat, be filled, get hungry, eat, be filled… repeat.  Our spiritual nature has the same basic need for us to continue allowing Christ to make us hungry for His righteousness, to obediently seek and worship Him, and allow Him to fill us. Once we are in Heaven I believe we will be eternally filled, but here on Earth we need to be filled over and over again. 

Are you hungry?  Are you following Christ so that He is continuously filling you with His power, His energy, and His purpose for your life?  You wouldn’t think of going days without eating (some of us cringe at hours) so why would you hinder God from filling your spirit on a daily basis? The scary thing is that we can seem to starve the spiritual nature for so long that we lose sight of even being hungry and we become SSS (saved, sit down, and satisfied). Is it a coincidence that SSS happens to be the sound a snake makes? (Gen 3) I’ll let you decide. I pray you are hungry today, so that He may fill you with His righteousness!(Matt. 4:4)


Precious Lord, I thank You that You know everything about me and still desire a personal and daily relationship with me. I am unworthy of your righteousness but yet you offer it to me so freely.  I know that on accepting Your son Jesus as my savior that I am eternally filled with Your righteousness and that I am eternally secure in You!  I understand however that here on Earth I need to daily seek You and Your will that I may be able to be used for Your glory. Please Lord help me to hunger daily after your righteousness that I may be filled again and again!  In Your son Jesus’ most powerful name, AMEN (oh yes!).