Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Blinded to the Blind 1Corinthians 15:34

My younger brother can attest to the fact that I do not always pay attention to what is going on around me.  A few years back I remember driving down the road just me and the little guy (6’ 3”, 240lb little guy) and noticing a new store that had popped up in our home town.  I remember asking him when the shop had opened up.  He quickly replied to me that it had been there for about two years!  It is amazing what we can miss when something else has our focus.

We are called to share the good news of Jesus Christ! We are the light shining into a world of darkness so that they may have what we have; an eternal relationship with Jesus (Matt 5:14). However, there are many people who have no idea who Jesus is, how much He loves them, and what He has done for them (1 Cor. 15:34).  Sometimes we get so caught up in the fact that we know that Jesus loves us that we forget that everyone else does not know.  We become blinded to the fact that there are people all around us that we daily come in contact with that have no clue who God is, much less have a relationship with Him.  They are blind of the Gospel. Are we blind of them?

Without the Gospel of Jesus man cannot be saved (Acts 4:12). You need to realize that there are people in your life who may never hear about Jesus if you do not tell them. Oh I know you think God will send someone else to share with them, but what if everyone He sends feels and acts the same way you do? How will the blind see? (Romans 10: 13-15)  

I was talking to a friend of mine just a few days ago.  I have known this person for around two years. I have pushed her to further her education and better herself, to not be satisfied with where she is today.  I may have briefly talked about Christian things to her but I never took the time to find out about what she believed or if she had a relationship with Christ.  I was so focused on helping her better her temporal life that I totally overlooked the fact she was blind to the eternal.  I assumed my friend knew what she meant to God; how much He loves her and what He has done to assure her a place in Heaven if she will accept it.  She had no idea!

Now I stop to think, how many other people in my life have I been blind to their need to hear the news of Jesus Christ? How many people are there in your life?  If we truly care about these people and do not want them to suffer eternity without a relationship with God, we must ask God to open our eyes.  If we do not reach them with the Good News, they may never hear. If they never hear, how can they believe? (Rom. 10:14)

Almighty God, I thank You that someone shared with me the Good News so that I could have a relationship with You!  I come before you today and ask you that you would no longer allow my eyes to be blinded to the lost around me. Give me a burden upon my heart to share Your word so that those who have not heard, will hear.  Thank You again for the manger, the cross and the empty tomb! It is in Jesus Name we ask and pray, Amen. (As it has been said)