Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pushing a Boulder - Gen. 6:13-22

I once heard a story about a man who prayed to God to give him physical strength.  Upon waking the next day he found a large boulder had rolled off the mountain and landed beside his house.  God spoke to him and told him every morning to get up and with his own strength to move the boulder. The man was obedient and for several hours everyday he pushed the rock and trying diligently to move it.  After a few years of pushing the rock God again spoke to the man and told him to look at himself. His body was physically strong and lean from pushing the rock.

Of course this story is fictional. However the Bible is full of stories in which God tells His servants to do something that may sound useless or even absurd so that He may prepare them for what is up ahead. God is not a teaser of men; His commands always have a purpose. Let us consider Noah for a prime example of being told to push a boulder.

God spoke to Noah and told him to build a giant boat, to house at least two of every animal because He was going to destroy the Earth with a flood.  Sure that was hard to grasp but add the fact that it had never before rained and you have yourself a true boulder. So what did Noah do? Did he fret and try to find another way? Did he tell God it did not make sense so he was not going to do it? No, he built the boat!

Has got placed a boulder in your life that you do not understand? Is it hard to continue pushing day after day? Do you feel like giving up? Just remember that God has a purpose for the boulder in your life. It may not make sense to you, but bear in mind you can not see the whole picture. So whether God has told you to run three miles every morning, study Mandarin Chinese, or physically push a large boulder in your yard; you can rest assured it is all a part of His great plans for you. Just keep pushing!


Great and omniscient God, I thank you for counting me worthy to be used for Your great purpose.  Help me to be obedient to Your will, even when I do not understand.  I know that Your ways are perfect and I can trust that I am not pushing a boulder for nothing.  I praise You for the things You are preparing me for and the lives that You will touch through my life! In Jesus name I pray, Amen