A Hacking Cough – 1Thess 5:17
If there is one thing I hate about getting sick; it is coughing. It seems like no matter how hard I try, no matter how many cough drops I suck on, I just keep coughing. It will keep me up at night and continue long after my other symptoms are gone. I just cannot stand that continuous hacking cough! I just keep coughing intermittently all day and night, so much that even when I am not coughing I can feel a cough on its way!
It was not until I was reading a commentary (I cannot source because I do not remember which one) that I understood 1Thessalonians 5:17 in a whole new way. “Pray without ceasing” (1Thess 5:17). I had often thought, how can I pray all the time? That is impossible! The commentator explained that the phrase that was translated “without ceasing” had been used in secular writings at the time to describe the symptoms of a hacking cough. The light bulb turned on and I saw clearly the point Paul was trying to make to us. Pray like a hacking cough; continuously, sporadically, all the time!
Prayer is an important part of our walk with Jesus. It is the opportunity for us to praise God, share with Him our needs, the needs of others, as well as have a conversation (two way discourse) with God. We know that we can go boldly before the throne of grace (Heb 4:16), and God hears us and will answer our prayers. Although, (and I am thankful that) He does not always say yes! So if we are to have a living fellowship with God, we must learn to pray without ceasing. We must learn to pray like a hacking cough; always in our throats, naturally occurring and without the ability to hold it in. Remember that you do not have to pray with your eyes closed, or even on your knees, (these are good ways to show reverence which is another lesson) you can talk to God anytime and anywhere! As a matter of fact when someone shares a prayer request with me I often begin to petition God before they are even finished talking.
Have you learned to pray without ceasing? Are you comfortable talking to God? I challenge you today to pray about everything. Share with God how you are feeling, what you are doing, what you see, praise Him for the beauty around you, and ask that He touch those you pass by (be warned He will probably want to use you), pray about absolutely everything. He will not tire of hearing your voice; chances are He has been longing to hear it more often! Practice today the art of praying like a hacking cough; it may just change your life!
Dear Holy Father, I thank You that through Your son Jesus I can come boldly to the throne of grace! I can praise You and petition You knowing that You hear me and You care about me. Help me to learn to communicate with you like a hacking cough. I know that prayer is important and I want it to become so ingrained in my life that at times I am praying without even realizing it. It is a great honor to know that You desire a closer relationship with me, so today let us talk! I love You Lord, help me to grow daily closer to you. Talk to You VERY soon, in Jesus holy name, Amen.