When I was young I loved to sit behind the wheel of my parent’s car. I would put both hands on the steering wheel and pretend I was driving. Although I drove hundreds of miles in my imagination, the car never went anywhere. It is hard to move a parked car.
In our walk with Christ we sometimes find ourselves parked and waiting on God to give us intricate, detailed directions. We want to know how we are going to go, where we are going to go, etc. So we sit and say we are waiting on the Lord, when often it is He who is waiting on us. We need to remember that Jesus did not say “park right there” or “be idle”; Jesus used the phrase “Follow Me” and the command “Go!” So what are we waiting on?
The Bible gives us a guideline of the purpose and direction we should follow: Seek first the Kingdom of God (Matt )! We must prayerfully start following Christ and trust that the Holy Spirit will let us know when and where to go. It is hard to turn a parked car; even so it is hard to direct a parked life.
God has great plans for your life (Jer. 29:11), He loves you! However, if you are going to fully experience His plans for you, you must get up and decide today that you are going to follow Jesus. There is a big difference between envisioning where God’s plans will take you and actually putting your life into drive and allowing God to make those plans reality!
Is your life in park today? Or are you driving forward in God’s plan and allowing Him to guide you to the next step!
Holy Father I know that you have great plans for my life. Help me today to lay aside anything that is stopping me from fulfilling Your will for my life. Help me to focus on the goals of knowing You more and making You known, while allowing You to direct and use my life as part of Your perfect will. I love You Lord, and I ask that You forgive me for my complacency. I desire to have a life in drive for You, not one that is stuck in park. Help me daily to take up my cross and follow You! In Your Holy name I pray; Jesus! Amen