Sunday, January 9, 2011

And Phillip ran- Acts 8:29-30

On your mark, get set, GO! This phrase marked the beginning of many of my childhood races. As soon as I heard “go” I would run with everything in me, as fast as I could toward the goal. There was no time for planning or distractions after go had been shouted. If I wanted to win the race I had to run!

When the Spirit of God told Phillip to go and catch up with the eunuch he did not stop to ask questions or make a plan of attack. There was not time for second guesses. When the Spirit said to “go”, Phillip ran knowing that if God sent him that He already had the way prepared. Phillip’s trust in God allowed him to explain the word of God to the eunuch, preaching to him Jesus. The eunuch accepted Christ, immediately becoming a believer.

God does not always share with us ahead of time where we are going or what He is sending us to do. I know that as far as I am concerned it is partially to keep me from messing it up. God says go and expects us to follow His lead. My dad would often tell me “because I told you so!” when I questioned why I should listen to him. God sometimes explains His direction but at other times just expects us to go because He told us so. We know that God has good plans for our life and His way and direction is always best (Jer. 19:11).

Is God telling you to go? Are you running? Or are you second guessing and trying to figure it out by yourself? Run (Heb. 12:1-2)!


God of Heaven and Earth, I thank You for Your love and direction. I thank You that I can trust You whenever and wherever You send me; for You are good. Help me to run when you tell me to; knowing that nothing ever surprises You! I love You Lord, help me to encourage others and lead them to You! In Jesus’ supreme name I ask and pray, Amen.