Early on in my college career I began to think about changing my major. I put much thought toward the field of marine biology, to the point where I was looking at schools on the east coast. I remember distinctly sitting in an education class one day jotting down some notes about plans I was making about transferring colleges. It was at that instant that I felt like a large steel door had slammed shut inside my heart; it was if God said, “if you go that way you will not be in My will”. I did not go and boy am I glad, turns out God had a better plan and a greater calling for my life.
Throughout the Bible we read stories of God calling people into specific roles to perform specific duties. Moses was sent before Pharaoh (Exodus 3:10), Jonah was sent to Nineveh (Jonah 1:1-2), Peter was told to follow (Matt. 4:18-19), and many more. These men had a purpose and a calling from God. They had the choice to go against God’s calling, like Jonah did, but they could not turn away from it and remain in God’s will. To fight God’s purpose for our life is to lose blessings and miss out on peace and joy. It may also land you in the belly of a big fish (spiritually and/or physically).
God does not make every choice for us in our life; He allows us freedom to make our own decisions. However we must remember that we are created by and for Him, and He has good plans for our life (Jer. 29:11, Prov. 3:6). When we as Christians are told to go or in my case not to go, He has a reason and we can trust Him. Father knows best! I can tell you that it would be a sad thing if I had missed out on meeting my wife Tabitha and not having our two wonderful children. I would have also missed out on opportunities to share Jesus and to help others grow. I would have also missed out on getting to know wonderful people whom God has placed in my life. Now some people would say that I could do all these things wherever I go. Need I remind them not if I am living outside of what God wills? I prefer to eat fish, not vise verse!
I want to reiterate that God does not dictate every step of our life. If we put on white or black socks in the morning, it probably is not important. There is no need to ask permission to go help up a child who has fallen down. God gives us free will in our life; we are not computerized robots. However, we must be in tune with the Spirit that indwells us (when we have a relationship with Jesus) and allow it to direct us. Sometimes the way we are directed may not make sense to us or it may be against what we want to do. Let us not forget that God is not an evil tyrant, He is a loving and longsuffering God; not willing that any should perish (2Peter 3:9).
Are you in tune with God’s calling for your life? Or are you simply going your own way? Are you wrestling with God’s call? Be careful that you do not end up with a limp (Gen. 32:35) or in a big fish (Jonah 1:17)!
Oh mighty and merciful God, You are the creator and director of my life. Help me to follow Your will and accept Your calling for my life. I know that You are good and loving but You are also a jealous God; not allowing anything before You. Strengthen me that I will stand strong in faith, and fully rely on You. As I walk day-by-day let there be less of me and more of You. I love You Lord. Let everyday bring me closer to Your perfection. I look forward to worshiping You throughout eternity with those who have decided to follow You! In no other name I pray but Jesus, Amen