Friday, January 28, 2011

Why Such a Gift? – Romans Road Part 3- Rom. 5:8

God offers us the great gift of eternal life; He paid for the gift by dying on the cross and taking our sins.  Why?  Why would God purchase for us such a gift?  Do we deserve it? No, if we deserved it, it would be a reward not a gift; and we certainly do not deserve it.  So why would God offer us eternal life with Him?  Why would He go through such drastic measures?

Love! God loves us, every one of us.  Yet we find it so hard to believe that such a great God, who knows all of our dark and hidden secrets could love us; but He does.  Why does He love us? He has every reason not too; we have broken His law, disobeyed, and even turned against Him.  We deserve eternal damnation in Hell; He could have justly just decided not to pay for our sins and let us go there, but He did not.

God took on human form and dwelt among us; not as a noble king, but as a servant. He did not stop at saying “I love you”, He proved it! Jesus died for us so that we would not have to suffer the torment of our deserved punishment: Hell and eternal separation from Him.  Even though we spiritually reeked (I think of a drunk who smells of body odor, urine and other vile things), He took our sins with our entire filthy stench on the cross. He proved His love for us, and offers us salvation.  He desires that we all come to Him and be forever redeemed (2Peter 3:9).