Sunday, January 23, 2011

Getting Past Feelings- 1John 3:20

I have always been a deep thinker; I over analyze everything. So it is no wonder that many times as a new Christian I was bothered because I did not feel right.  People around me were shouting and clapping while I was sitting there wondering why I did not feel like I should; wasn’t I suppose to feel something more? Am I really saved if I do not feel this way or that way?  I focused so much energy on the way I was suppose to feel that I bogged myself down with doubt and fear; when I should have let go and went past my feelings.

I remember a sermon that forever changed the way I looked at my feelings. The preacher's sermon can be summed up with three words: Fact, Faith and Feelings (which are still written in my Bible). He expounded on the order of importance; that first we must look at the facts (of God, of Salvation, of redemption, etc.). Then we must put our faith in those facts (full trust and belief that they are true). Then the byproduct of faith in these facts is usually feelings.

Usually?  Yes, we will not always feel like we think we should.  Take for example when you are sick, you have been coughing and feeling miserable all day; does that mean you are not saved, because you do not feel overly happy and joyful? Never!  It is Fact, then Faith in the fact and then normally feelings.  Mark Lowery said that if he had to feel saved to be saved, he would not be saved half the time. I agree. It is past feelings.

The Bible says that if our hearts (feelings) condemn us that we should not fear for He (Jesus) is greater then our hearts (1 John
3:20).  In a few more places it says for us not to let our hearts be troubled and not to be afraid, but to trust in Jesus: in the truth, the facts (John 14:1, 27).  We should not base our faith on feelings, nor should we assume that something is fact based on our feelings.  When we put our faith in feelings we are missing the mark (the old English archery term for this: sin!).

So Christianity is a numb and unfeeling religion? Hah! When we truly understand the facts, put our faith in those facts, and stop worrying about how we are suppose to feel, our feelings will start to follow suite.  There is nothing now that gets me more excited then talking to people about Jesus Christ.  Not because I am suppose to feel a certain way but because I realize what He has done for me, and what He has and can do for them! I have a relationship with Jesus that goes past feelings; I know I am His always and forever!

If you are saved by faith in Jesus, stop letting your feelings control your relationship. Take ease in knowing He will never leave you or forsake you; regardless of how you feel (Heb. 13:5, Deut. 31:6).