Many people look at getting to heaven in this way. They believe they can pick a path and as long as they are true to it and believe fervently, it will lead them to Heaven. Sure they see Jesus as "a" way, but they do not see Him as the only way. To them it is all about being "spiritual", they believe that God will understand and accept them.
The Bible teaches us that Jesus is "the" way to Heaven (Acts
Some will say I am being close minded and intolerant. Call it what you will; your belief or my belief does not change the truth. It is time we stop trusting in what we believe and start seeking the absolute truth. 2 + 2 in a base 10 system will always equal 4: there is but one answer. Even so there is but one way to Heaven, Jesus Christ.
Do you believe Jesus is the way? Or do you buy into your feelings and your own beliefs? Know this, if you do not believe He is the only way then you call Him a liar. If you call Him is a liar then He is not in you (1John
Follow truth, follow the way; follow Jesus Christ!