I have talked to youth many times about the subject of righteousness. I have found that righteousness tends to be one of those churchy words that is used frequently but seldom fully grasped. I always challenge youth that when they do not understand something they need to look deeper and seek greeter insight into God’s word. A good place to start with a word you do not understand is what my dad so thoughtfully referred to as “Bro. Webster”; the dictionary. The definition as I remember it from my old dictionary was basically, “acting in accordance to divine law: free from sin and guilt.”
Righteousness is something that we cannot obtain on our own merit. As a matter of fact Isaiah 64:6 describes our righteousness as filthy rags. Now when I think of filthy rags I think of used toilet paper. This may seem a little gross of a statement but it gets the point I am trying to make across fully; our attempt at righteousness without God is like used toilet paper! It is vile and good for nothing but to be flushed down the toilet. God certainly does not want us to put this so called righteousness on as a breastplate. Filthy rags do not protect well against fiery darts.
Instead Paul urges us to put on God’s righteousness. To don this breastplate as Christians we must be obedient to God’s will and direction for our lives. When we accept Jesus as our savior He justifies us, making us no longer guilty of breaking His law. However it is important that we continue to “act in accordance” or simply put we need to obey God’s commandments.
We must then be free from sin and guilt. Can we Christians sin? You better believe it (1John 1:8)! So to put on the breastplate of righteousness we must lay aside the sin that sneaks into our lives daily (or every second if necessary!). God has liberated us from the power of sin, so we need to flee from it. Nevertheless when we sin (and we will) we must allow God to pick us up, dust us off and point us back in the right direction. Furthermore we need not to linger on our mistakes, drudging in our guilt and shame. Rather we must fully accept in our hearts and minds what God has already done in our spirit; freed us from our guilt, our shame and our sin (1John 1:9)! Only then will we put on the breastplate of righteousness.
Have you put on the breastplate of righteousness today? Is satan causing you to dwell on past sins and struggles and hindering you in your spiritual fight? Let today be the day that you lay aside any sin that is weighing you down and stop allowing satan to deceive you into feeling guilty and ashamed. If you have accepted Christ as your savior and laid it all at His feet then you are free. Satan has no power over you, so dress yourself in God’s mighty breastplate of righteousness and get back onto the battle front.
Merciful and gracious God I want to thank you for Your righteousness. If it were not for Jesus paying the price for me I would be bound forever to my sins, but because of His sacrifice I am FREE! You have cleansed me from my unrighteousness and made me pure and holy in You. No one is able to lay charge to those that You have justified so I today am laying down my feelings of guilt and shame at Your feet. Help me to daily put on the breastplate of righteousness and follow You into the battle for the souls of men! In Jesus name I pray, Amen