It was not long ago that my little girl came running through the house at about two in the morning. I was up sitting in the recliner and she ran to me screaming and crying; something had caused her to be afraid. She did not tell me what was wrong she just wanted me to hold her; so that is what I did. It did not matter what the situation was, my baby girl was scared so I comforted her. In a few minutes she was perfectly fine again and she went right back to sleep in her bed.
Sometimes we as Christians forget that we are the children of God. We forget that He loves us, even more than we love our children. How much more then is He ready to take us in His arms and comfort us when we are scared and crying (Matt. 7:11 )? God is not a far away ruler and dictator that is to busy for us, He is the Father God. He is the Heavenly Daddy (Rom. 8:15 )! He knows us so well that He has every hair on our head accounted for; He is that interested in us (Matt. 10:30 ).
So if this is the case that God cares so much about us, then why are we so hesitant to call on Him? We are His and He does not get bored with us running to Him with all of our problems, fears, and anxieties. He desires that we would stop trying to fix things by our self and within our self and allow Him to do a great work in us. Furthermore, we are urged to cast all (that means everything big, little, menial, etc.) upon Him because He cares for us (1Peter 5:6-7). We are needlessly walking around carrying our burdens when God desires to liberate us. He did not save us unto fear but unto power and liberty (2Tim 1:7, 2Cor. 3:17 )!
You may say to me, “but I have tried to give it up to God and I am still dealing with it.” My question to you is; have you let go and let God? I once to prove this point handed a stapler to a friend. I told the friend to take the stapler and sit it on the counter next to us. She attempted to do as I asked but could not; I would not let go of the stapler. I asked her again to please place the stapler on the counter and she responded to me, “I can’t, you will not let go!” Precisely, we must allow God to take our burdens, our grief, our shame, our every weakness and insecurity; we must let go! We must put our trust in Him that He will take care of our problems, knowing that we are more than just a number to Him. We are His children; maybe we should start acting more like it.
Are you dealing with something in your life that is weighing you down? Is it causing you despair? Maybe you have been holding on to this for a long time and you feel like you deserve to carry this burden. Allow God the joy of having you run to His arms so that He may comfort you. If you have accepted a relationship with Jesus Christ, you are adopted, and God is “your” Heavenly Daddy!