But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Matt. 19:14 (NKJV)
If there is one thing that little kids like to do, it is go naked. I’m convinced if we would let them my kids would never wear cloths. They are comfortable with who they are and they do not care who knows it. They are completely genuine.
Now I am not suggesting that we strip off our clothes and run around naked; we need to keep our cloths on. I am suggesting that we throw off all of the layers of deception and pseudo-personalities. We are not doing anyone any favors when we try and hide our sins, or even who we really are; we need to be authentic with one another and before God.
We do not fool God when we live a fake life, He sees our heart. We may fool others for a while, but ultimately the only one we are fooling is our self. We become so burdened by our fabricated life that we stop truly living. We forget that if we are in Christ we are a new creation; we have no need for deceptive living.
Be like little children and go spiritually naked before God. You will find it a great relief!