Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones. If you cheat even a little, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities. Luke 16:10 (NLT)
One of my most embarrassing moments as a starting linebacker was during a game my senior year of high school. I blitzed and somehow found myself behind the quarterback; when I turned around I had a free shot at him. Instead of sacking him I did what we would do everyday in practice: I ran up to him, put my arms out and I broke down into a two point stance. He threw the ball and I hung my head in shame. We were never allowed to tackle the quarterback in practice fore fear of injury; so I did what I had practiced over and over. You have to practice like you play because you will always play like you practice!
We seem to think that we can do whatever we want in our everyday life, then when the times comes that a “bigger” matter arises we will step up and deal with it. We think we can give in to little temptations; but we would never cheat on our spouse. We think we can tell “little white lies”; but we will still tell the truth when it’s a more important issue. We think we can live our everyday lives for Christ with mediocrity; but we would never deny Him even if our life depended on it. We are fooling no one but ourselves. What you do in the small matters you will always reflect in the large matters.
It is important that we seek to model the life of Christ everyday if we truly want to follow Him. If we want to stand and make a difference on the battle field of life; then we must hone our skills, our integrity, and our selflessness daily. We must be constant in prayer, in study, in good works, in fellowship, etc. We must practice like we intend to play, if we are to be successful.
Take time today to think about the little things in your life. Are you cutting corners and sacrificing quality? Are you just pushing them to the side as unimportant? Ask God to reveal the little things that you need to work on in your life. It will hurt and you will not like seeing your shortcomings revealed; but if we are to allow Christ to do great things in and through us, then we must let Him start with the little things. The good news is once you are faithful in the little things; you will have no problem being faithful in the big ones.