Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16 (NKJV)
I am a talker; I always have something to say. It doesn’t matter what you are talking about, I can find a way into the conversation; I definitely have the gift of gab. So it goes without saying that I pray a lot, after all prayer is simply put conversation with God. I pray about everything; little things, big things, silly things, etc. I figure God is my Father and I am going to talk to Him as such.
Sometimes when I am walking I will notice something interesting or beautiful and I thank Him for it. Sometimes I get frustrated and angry and I yell, fuss and throw a tantrum. Other times I am deeply hurt or bothered and I cry out to Him in agony. I go to the Father with everything; I believe He wants me to; after all I am a son. I can go boldly before the throne of grace, just as a child can go without fear to their loving earthly father; I take advantage of that.
So why do I go to Him? Well for several reasons; He loves me and I love Him so I can pour my heart out to Him and He listens well. He is my director and my guide and I often need directions. He is my creator and my savior and He deserves my praise and adoration. He is my strength and my song in times of trouble and times of peace. Furthermore, prayer changes things; prayer moves heaven and earth, prayer unites us with God Himself