Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him; Talk of all His wondrous works! 1 Chronicles 16:9
I love to hear my daughter sing. There is just something about hearing her sweet voice and seeing her eyes beam when she sings a fun little song. I could listen to her sing all day, but it is super special to me when she is singing a song specifically to me; it just makes my heart smile.
God is deserving of our praise and adoration; He is truly great and worthy. He enjoys when we, His children, spend time with Him. I am sure that He smiles when we sing His praises. How much more precious is it when we sing His praises directly to Him?
Will you lift up your voice and sing to the Lord today? You do not have to be a great singer. You do not even have to do it in front of anyone else. Just lift up your voice and sing praises to your father. He loves you.