And one of you says to them, "Depart in peace, be warmed and filled," but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? James 2:16
You may remember the scene in “The Lion King” when Nala finds out that Simba isn’t dead. She tells him about the devastation at Pride Rock and how Scar has destroyed their way of life. She expects Simba to return as rightful king, overturn Scar and be a great king like his father. Simba just tells her “Hakuna Matata, no worries”, as if everything will just be better if he doesn’t get involved. He just didn’t want to think about it.
Many Christians take on a similar mentality. We are quick to say, “I’ll pray for you!”, as long as we don’t have to get physically involved. It is a nice little gesture, it sounds sweet and we want people to think we care. However, if we do not care enough to put our prayers into action then do we really care?
Don’t get me wrong, prayer changes things. God hears the cries of His people; heaven and Earth are moved via prayers of righteous individuals (James 5:16 ). However if someone has a need and you have the ability to take care of that need, or help with that need, then you should get involved; you shouldn’t sit around and wait for God to fulfill their need. We often forget that as Christians we are the body of Christ; therefore, when we ask God to meet a need that we are capable of meeting we are being redundant. Essentially it is like me driving a tow truck down the road, seeing a guy stuck in a ditch and telling him, “Don’t worry, I’ll call a tow truck for you!”. Imagine his confusion.
We Christians need to step up and start being mindful of peoples needs. Try this: next time someone is hungry, instead of blowing them off with good intentions and an “I’ll pray for you!”, FEED THEM! If an issue is beyond your control pray for God’s help and guidance; if it is something that you can help with pray and thank God for allowing you to be used for His glory!
Hungry = Feed
Thirsty = Give Drink
Naked = Cloth
Homeless = Home
Hurting = Listen
Lost = Direct
Lonely = Befriend
Get the picture. Don’t expect God to do what He has already told you to do!