For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 2 Tim. 4:3-4
I keep hearing these off the wall beliefs, this anti-biblical philosophy continuing to churn up. Seems like more and more these days people are deciding to believe what feels good to them and reject what they do not like. You are probably thinking I know it is crazy with Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and all those other isms. But I’m not talking about religions, I’m talking about the church; the so-called followers of Jesus Christ.
It amazes me to find out how many people stopped believing in Hell. It amazes me the amount of “ministers” that are preaching that Jesus is not the sole way to Heaven. I’m appalled by the amount of “Christians” that justify their sinful lifestyles. Really? So tell me, what does it mean to be a Christian? Because when I say I am a Christian I mean I am a follower of Christ. I mean that His words are truth, whether it feels all mushy gushy or not. I mean that I have been redeemed and given life by no one other than the giver of life Himself: Jesus Christ.
You have the right to believe what you want to believe; it is called free will. God gives you the ability to choose your path; you are more than welcome to be wrong if that is what you like. God loves you and wants you to live forever with Him in sheer awesomeness, but He gives you the choice it is up to you. He paid for your salvation; you can take it or leave it.
But come on, don’t tell me you are a Christian and shun the words of Christ Himself. You bet there is a Hell, Jesus said it, not me. Oh and if you want to talk about multiple ways to “heaven”, then just leave Jesus out. See He said that He is “the” way not “a” way, big difference. Don’t claim to follow Christ, and then have your ears “tickled” by what you want to hear. You can either take Him or leave Him, but stop pretending like you follow Him if you don’t.
Well now that is close-minded and arrogant. You think so? I’m just telling it like it is!